This weekend started off absolutely wonderful as Friday night marked the recording of my upcoming podcast, Zangz's Pod of Geekdom's Star Wars 30th Anniversary Extravaganza. A bunch of us met at Mad Mario's home and we sat around a table, surrounded by cords and microphones, and told yarns and stories about our favorite science fantasy movie. Many a tale was told and many a beer was swilled as my producer, Double "A" Man, utilized his portable recording studio to collect our thoughts on the subject matter.
This special podcast will be a two parter. Part one should be posted within a few days and you'll be able to find it right HERE!
I'd like to thank my fellow Star Wars enthusiasts, Mad Mario, Bruce and the lovely Leslie for their involvement and participation in the show. We all had a real great time, especially myself, Mario and Bruce after a few Samuel Adams, as you'll probably be able to tell when you hear it.
I think my best podcasts are the ones where I have other people to interact with. If you've listened to a whole bunch of them (the two of you) you'll see where technically A-Z Cast.net has really progressed. I gotta tell you, Double "A" man and A-Z Cast.net are starting to pull out all the stops when it comes to these podcasts. We started recording the show from my home phone and now he brings a whole recording studio to the show.
On top of that, My friend has added another show to the A-Z Cast.net podcasting network. It's called the "Kashmire Music Club" and features up and coming bands. Please, check it out HERE.
After the show myself and Double "A" Man stood outside and talked for a bit. We discuss how podcasting is a whole new, free form frontier that corporate greed and big business have yet to destroy with their cadre of corrupt corporate lawyers and lobbyists. Say what you want and produce what you want. Very cool.
While we were discussing things I enjoyed a nice cigar. Unfortunately, no mater in what direction I moved the smoke would always find its way straight into Double "A" Man's face. But her assured me that he enjoyed it (???? Different strokes for different folks, I guess).
That's right, gang, it's cigar season as the weather here has gotten quite a bit warmer in recent weeks. I'm nicely stocked for the months ahead and will be enjoying an outdoor smoke from time to time. In fact since today was so nice, I went out and enjoyed another one today. Then I found myself walking down to the local cigar shop and getting a few nice big ones (cigars, you sickos!). I would have smoked another one but my old nemesis, Mother Nature, intervened and it started to rain. Perhaps if there's a break in the rain tonight I may indulge myself.
My dad is coming into town this week for the Memorial Day weekend so I'll be spending the week cleaning the heck out of my Vault of Geekdom Headquarters for him to stay here comfortably.
So for the next week or so I'll be busy. I hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend! When I post again I may have a review of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. So stay tuned.
Smoke 'em if you got 'em!
Great podcast John! An excellent group and very entertaining discussion.