For anyone interested, here is a picture of the two dogs I was sitting a couple of weeks ago, Frodo and Pipin. Both are my sister's. Don't let the big eyes and fuzzy ears fool you, the one on the right (Pipin) is a frellin' poop factory and quite the mischeivious pup. He's cute, but don't trust him. Within that little mind he's plotting to take over small countries, I tell you! If you are ever asked by my sister to sit for him, watch yer back, you poor sod.
Weekend plans? Well, I got to do a little research for the upcoming 30th anniversary of the Star Wars special Zangz's Pod of Geekdom podcast. So a viewing of Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope will have to be done tomorrow. Then, if it's nice enough, I may go out and do some errands, take a walk or lose another 8 hours of my life to either Crackdown or Oblivion.
So, I have this friend, Spanky, who's been raving and raving about some guy's editorial blog over at some community newspaper's website. Spanky kept yapping about it to me day after day. I think Spanky is a big fan of this Franklin guy. So much so in fact that I believe Spanky even camped out on this Franklin guy's front lawn until this Franklin guy's wife came out and chased him off the property with a broom while swearing at him in Russian.
Well, in any case, I finally checked out this guys editorials and do have to say that they're quite fun and have a ton of geek/pop culture references in them. You can check them out HERE if you like.
I don't have time to check out a lot of websites on the net all of the time, so this guy's blog is in competition with sites like THIS and THIS and THIS (How does this Franklin dork compete with that last one? Huh?)
I do think that the "Roasted Nuts" is a little risque for a small town community newspaper to title one of its editorial pages, though. Why not just "Burnt Nards"?
(Ok, who am I kiddin'? Spanky and this Franklin guy are one in the same. I was just trying to be clever and hide his identity. But since nobody reads this frackin' blog anyway, who's going to be the wiser? Certainly not Spanky (Franklin) since he never reads this blog anyway! However, it is true that his wife did chase him off of his property with a broom while swearing at him in Russian.)
What did I get my Mom for mother's day? I got her THIS! She doesn't read this madre-frackin' blog either so it's not going to ruin any surprise anyway.
Looking forward to the last Pirates movie. Let's hope the plot is not quite as "all over the place" as Dead Man's Chest was. It comes out in a couple of weeks.....
Right around that time my dad is coming up here from Houston for a visit. He'll be staying with me so I hope he's going to like video games, the music of Type O Negative and Monster Magnet and loads of beer, 'cause that's what he's going to be exposed to during Memorial Day weekend.
How cool is this?!?!?! Bruce Willis is actually a bit of a geek, like us, and he's responding to fans on a message board. Watch the geekiness unfold HERE! You may have to read through a lot to figure out what's going on, but it's well worth it to read Bruce's smack talk against nay-sayers while also hanging out with the geek crowd and answering some questions. Very cool, Bruce.
I have little else at this point, so go download some pictures from here and do with them what you will, you dirty old bastages!
Until the next wasted time, Zangz has left the building.
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