I know it's been a bit of a stretch between posts. I apologize for that, but I've been immersed in the Xbox 360 game Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The thing is so vast end endless, I may never blog again. Well... that's a bit of an exaggeration, isn't it?
To quickly update you on what's going on in Zangzville....
I finally got up enough courage to activate that dating service present that friends so wonderfully and sadistically gave me. We'll see what transpires, but don't expect me spill any details about it here until, possibly, this whole experiment goes through it's natural paces. I don't kiss and tell. I mostly rub and flounder (whateverthehellthatmeans?)
There's been a bit of a lull in my podcasts also. There's been some technical issues that needed resolving. It looks like it could be "a go" for this upcoming week. Check back then.
It's closing in on my birthday and to tell you the truth, I still feel as though I'm in my 20's rather than my mid to late 30's. See, folks, if you play video games as well as collect action figures well into your adulthood, you'll feel as young at heart as I do. You may never get to date anyone ever again, but you'll die alone feeling young at heart. So, there you go.
The people over at New Line Cinema are still being a bunch of dorklings about the Hobbit movies. One of the head honchos is still forbidding Peter Jackson from having anything to do with the project(s) since the Jackson camp filed a grievance about the payment procedure New Line used to pay him (i.e. they hosed him out of some of the fundage from the Lord of the Rings movies). So this head nimrod has issued a statement proclaiming that Jackson will be kept away from the Hobbit project. Let's face it, folks, here's how the formula works...
Hobbit movies - Petter Jackson = severe suckage! 'Nuff Said.
Here's a quickie "Get Well" wish for my good friend Roberto. Roberto had some surgery done where surgeons replaced the left side of his brain with his knee cap... or something to do with one of his knees... I'm not quite sure what it was, exactly, but the source of the problem had something to do with some drinking and a staircase that could have been better navigated whilst sober. So we here at the Blog of Geekdom wish him well and a very speedy recovery.
I'm done for the evening. And I'm not gunna link anything this time. Look at past blogs you lazy bastages.
I'm off to Oblivion.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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