Howdy all.
I totally zoned out and forgot to mention some musical notations in my last post, so here we go...
There's a bit of sad news concerning a local band that I've fallowed for a few years. The Psychobilly band, Psychomania have officially called it a day. I talked with the one known as Vince Claw and he said that there were some "creative differences" concerning if they should drink the blood of victims before the victims die or right after. Then there was the whole argument of when you spill the virgin's blood into the middle of the pentagram that's drawn on the floor with the chalk made from bones of the departed, do you summon a demon from the fifth level of hell, or the 6th? None of them were on the same page with that quandary either so they split and returned to their respected graves. It would be nice to seem them do some sort of reunion show some cold, dark Halloween. Who knows. This band was way too twisted to break up! Further proof that there is no god.
Now in better music news concerning dark, spooky music! My favorite band, Type-O-Negative, have posted the track listing to their upcoming opus, 77 minutes of pure dark and twisted joy, Dead Again. It goes as follows.....
1. Dead Again
2. Tripping a Blind Man
3. The Profits of Doom
4. September Sun
5. Halloween in Heaven (with Lycia's Tara VanFlower)
6. These Three Things
7. She Burned Me Down
8. Some Stupid Tomorrow
9. An Ode to Locksmiths
10. Hail and Farewell to Britain
I can't wait to hear Halloween in Heaven! These guys are underrated and brilliant and I'm counting the days 'till March 13th when it hits stores. Whether they believe it or not, they've yet to disappoint!
You want to hear how my luck works? Not 10 minutes ago, I swear to friggin God (the one that hates me.) there was a ring at my apartment door. Not the buzzer from the lobby! The one from the actual door to my Vault of Geekdom! I answer it and there, standing before me, is a very cute brunette in a cute skirt and high heels holding, and I shat you not, a six pack of micro brews. It was suddenly like god decided to give this poor sod a shot of decent luck.
Then it all came to a quick and sharp end as the girl looked at me quizzically and then looked at the apartment number and said sheepishly, "Oh... I'm sorry I have the wrong floor. I'm so, so sorry!" She wasn't the only one!!!! I told her that it was ok and that I, myself, have spent twenty some odd minutes trying to make my key work in the lock of the wrong floor apartment before I noticed I was on the wrong floor, but my humor must have eluded her as she jumped onto the elevator and walked right the hell outta my life.
Frack You, God! You cruel bastage!!!!!

In one last note, you'll be happy to know that the latest episode of Zangz's Pod of Geekdom is up and running. This episode is about bringing comics books to the big screen. Enjoy if you can.
That's all I can think of now. Until next time, stay vertical!
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