Whew, what a frackin' week it's been! Lots of stuff to deal with at work. For a four day week it's been pretty hectic. I'm glad it's over for now. But, of course, Monday shall come with a vengeance! Well, poo on Monday!
My good friend Roberto, who you may have heard if you've ever bothered to check out my podcast HERE, has complained that there has been a recent absence of a post at my blog. So both he (and a few bottles of bock beer) have influenced me to post something up here tonight.
So what does a geek like me, who isn't a Brad Pitt or a Donald Trump, do when some close friends get him a free 3 month subscription to an on-line dating service for Xmas? I'll tell you what he does. He dives into the dark abyss of rejection and immanent failure with reckless abandon! That's what he does. What do you have to lose outside of dignity and hope? Both are so frellin' overrated, aren't they? We'll see what happens. This could get ugly.
Is anyone else out there sick and tired of these horrific (not in the good way) remakes of classic horror movies? Anyone see the remake for The Fog? It blew! The Amityville Horror? Not that great. But there is one horror remake that looks slightly promising! Halloween! Now, I know that the movie Halloween is sacred ground for many a horror movie fan and that any studio that wants to remake it is bound to frell it up completely. But let's take into consideration who's going to be at the helm of this project. Rob Zombie. Who better to give a bit of reimagineering magic to this classic than a true fan of the horror genre itself? It sounds as though he's not going to try and pull a new revamped look for Michael Myers either. He wants his mask to look as original as the spray painted white William Shatner mask they used in the original flick.
They have Malcom McDowell playing the part of Doctor Loomis and Tyler Mane as Michael Myers. We'll see how this progresses. Please, Rob, don't let the studio screw up one of the greatest horror movies of all time! I know you have a love and respect for this movie. Don't let the sudio dweebs ruin it for you!
And finally, Lucas, Ford and Spielberg are getting off of their butts and have a set shooting schedule for Indiana Jones: 4! They'll start shooting in the summer of this year for a summer of 2008 release date. I'm really hoping that this one can contain the same magic that the last three possessed! People are questioning if a not-too-young Ford (Ford is older than Connery was when Connery played his father) is really going to be able to pull it all off as the resourcefull Dr. Jones. Hasn't anybody heard of Lucas owned ILM? They can pull off many miracles. And if I were going home at the end of the day to Callsita Flockhart, I'd be able to pull of many wacky stunts well into my 60's!
Oh, by the way, I did pull a full weekend go Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivioon on the Xbox 360 last weekend. It's like crack!
That's all I got in me for today, kids. I'm plum tuckered out and need to get in a few rounds of Perfect Dark Zero in on my '360 before hitting the sack. Thanks fer lettin' me borrow this puppy, Roberto!
'Till next time, have a good one!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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