What's stirring in my feeble, little, twisted mind this week you may ask? Well, much to your chagrin, I'm going to tell you, ad nauseum, per what you usually find around here in my Blog of Geekdom.
I've been contemplating on what the people in Hollywood are cooking up for us genre fan-boys after the peak at which the Star Wars prequels and The Lord of the Rings trilogy ruled the movie screens. Honestly, I do believe we are in a bit of a grand downfall when it comes to anticipation for great Action/Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror movies. Sure there's a plentiful amount of them in production to be released. But, how many of them within the next few years will command a number of us geeks to camp out for midnight showings.
Let's take a look at what's coming out in the future.
Indiana Jones:4 - Apparently, this movie looks like it will be coming out sometime around the 7th of never. Little has been done when it comes to preproduction outside of getting a script together. There are alternating stories that have been coming out for the past few years as to the script being approved or not approved by Spielberg, Lucas and Ford. So who knows where they are at with it. In any case, if this movie is destined to be made, it will surly be worthy of a midnight showing with fellow geeks dressed in brown leather jackets and fedoras! I just hope to god they don't frack this one up and keep with the fast paced pulp stories of the original three.
I am Legend - Based on a 1950's horror novel about one last survivor of an apocalyptic virus which has turned most of the city into zombified vampires where Will "Get Jiggy Wit it" Smith forges on to do battle with the undead. Sounds cool as hell, doesn't it. Though I do enjoy Will Smith in movies, his casting worries me that producers have decided to Hollywoodize the story to aim it as a blockbuster rather than a great movie. Rumors already have the story deviating from the book. Wait and see.
Casino Royale - I've said enough about this one already. If you're not acquainted, read many of my past blogs! Suffice it to say, I'm really looking forward to this one and am hoping that it will be a welcome addition to the James Bond series.
300 - Based off an awesome graphic novel by gifted scribe, Frank Miller, this movie depicts a grand battle during the ancient times of the Spartans. Buzz on this baby is that, though you may not have heard anything of it in the mainstream media, this will either be a huge blockbuster or a phenomenal cult, classic sleeper hit.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End - Of course this one will be a fun one and a big blockbuster. It will also be filled with elements of the fantastic and a great pulp story. Depp will rock! 'Nuff said.
Die Hard IV: Live Free or Die Hard - Bruce Willis will return as John McClain, the cop who by sure circumstance always finds himself smack dab in the middle of someone's wacky terrorist plot. Sure. I loved the first three Die Hard films, but I don't know if I'm all that psyched for this one. I'll wait and see.
The Mummy III - Looks as though things are in motion for a 3rd Mummy film to start shooting. A script is being written and both Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz are showing interest. Surprising, since Ms. Weisz hinted heavily after the release of the 2nd one that she wouldn't do a 3rd. I absolutely loved the first one. It brought back that sense of pulp adventure that had been so lacking in movies since the last Indiana Jones flick. The second one was a lot of fun also, although it got way too far fetched in the second half of the film, even for a fantastic pulp action movie. So I'm looking forward to what they're going to come up with in the 3rd.
Harry Potter Films - Being a geek, I guess I have to give a shout out to the several Harry Potter films still coming out..... Well, that was the shout out.
The Hobbit - This prequel to The Lord of the Rings trilogy could also be a biggy for the geek movie genre, if done as it should be... with Peter Jackson at the helm!!!!! Both MGM and New Line are very interested.
Terminator 4? - There could be another man vs. machine flick down the road. It's questionable if A-nold will be involved. I really could care either way. The last one didn't floor me as the first two did. I'm over the whole Terminator thing anyway.
Sure we'd love to see more Star Wars films, but it ain't gunna happen so stop yer whinnin'. We're stuck with what Hollywood throws us. Hopefully, we'll all find some new film franchise to glom onto and obsess about very soon.
Very quickly, I'd like to give a shout out to Iris Vonbeaverhaousen and her husband Dr. Roberto DelAmorte for filling me with meat and beer last night and sending me home with even more meat. Your constant hospitality is mucho appreciated!
Well, I'm off to rent more Deadwood! So I'll leave you with some grand words of advice from Deadwood resident Al Swearengen....
"!*$#@$@*^! You sons of $@*$^@#$^! !@)#*#$&#@^%@^!!!!)#$@*$)#@$)@*#)$!!!!!"
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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