Now is the time for my big announcement! If you haven't guessed, I now have my own Podcast! It is brought to you from the wonderful people at AZcast.com, 'cause there is no friggin way I could put it together myself with the lame assed computer and dial up connection I have.
The first Episode (Podisode?) features the subject of what's going on with the James Bond movies, as well as a few thoughts on some of the past summer blockbusters that I have seen.
Keep in mind the first show is a bit shaky as I've never friggin' done this before. So be kind. And I hope you have a high speed connection!
Here's the link to the site you can download it from....
So I'm just one more step toward world wide domination! Bruahahahahahaha! Soon I'll have my own hidden base in a dormant volcano with stainless steel staircases all over the place.
In some sad news, one of my favorite resources for James Bond information has gone the way of the Crocodile Hunter. Well, not really. It didn't shut down due to being pierced through the heart by a stingray's tail. It was closed down due to the webmasters not having enough time to keep it up to standards. So we bid farewell to Mr. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Good luck and god's speed!
To those of you who are Steve Irwin/Crocodile Hunter fans, I apologize for the smarmy and tasteless remark. I'm drunk with power.
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