Ahhhhh....... The chill in the air, the leaves falling slowly to the ground, the nights coming sooner and sooner, the Octoberfests in the beer section of the supermarkets and Type-O-Negative's "World Coming Down" in the CD player in my car. These signs can only mean one thing. The living dead are rising from their graves to celebrate the Season of the Dead. Though it's not quite October yet, this weekend brings in the fall festivities along with the flavor of Halloween!
Zangz's Headquarters is already decorated from one end to the other with gravestones, Jack-O-Lanterns and things that go bump in the night. I'm in full swing Halloween mode once again! Bruahahahahahahah!
Tomorrow I may go on my first Halloween expedition. It'll be either a pumpkin farm or a fall festival. I'm not sure which one yet, but I'll be sure to report back. Not only will this blog be filled with Halloween spookiness throughout the month of October, so will my podcasts. Hopefully we'll have the first of three Halloween episodes up this Monday!
Tonight was the first two episodes of the 2nd season the of new Dr. Who TV show. Both were quite entertaining, although the first one took a while to really brew up. The new Doctor (David Tennent) was pretty good and easy to warm up to, though he isn't quite as dark and ballsy as his former incarnation. Rose was smokin' in the second episode and should go for that more... "heaving" look in future episodes, most definitely!!!
It's going to be a short post as I have a wonderful Octoberfest chilling in the fridge waiting for me. You know... nectar of the gods from the teet of Mother Nature and all that. Hope you all fall into the spells of Halloween soon. And beware of the ghosts, ghouls and living dead. Bruahahahahah!
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