It's been a few, so lets get right into it.
I finally had a chance to see X-men III: The Last Stand. I heard a lot of different opinions about this movie prior to seeing it. Much like our president, it conjured many polar opposite feelings in people. Either people absolutely disliked it or thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Me? I simply thought it was a real good action / adventure movie loosely based on the X-men comic book. And THERE'S the rub, folks. From what I can tell, if you're a die-hard fan of the comic book, you'll absolutely shat a brick if you see this movie. The writers certainly create many liberal changes that differ greatly from what has happened in the comic. I mean, if they don't kill off major characters, they take away their super powers. I could see where this would passionately annoy the frell out of those that have followed the comic and invested themselves into the story and the characters.
Though, I was a comic geek, I never really got into the X-Men. I was much more of a DC, Vertigo and independent comic book fan rather than a Marvel fan. So I warmed to the characters of the X-Men more through the movies than the comic. So the major changes didn't effect me as much as they would have the comic book shop owner from The Simpsons.
Best I can tell you is that it's not as good as the previous two movies. This is the least favorite of the three. However, if you've only seen the movies and not read the comics you may want to check it out 'cause it still provides a good action packed romp with a good dose of socially conscience message of how we need to progress as human beings and stop taking the rights away from those that are different. Other than that, watching a few hours of Halley Berry and Famke Jenssen does not suck.
I also got to see a couple of cool trailers for upcoming films. Pirates of the Caribbean: Davey Jones' Locker looks pretty friggin' amazing and is the next big one I want to check out. Then there's Superman Returns which has me slightly intrigued. If director, Brian Singer can do for Superman what he did for the first two X-Men movies, we'll have a real treat on our hands!
So, the end of the current season of Dr. Who comes on the Sci-Fi Channel in a matter of minutes. I have to say that though the production value of this series isn't exactly top notch, the writing and characters are more than enjoyable! You can't help but enjoy the characters of The Doctor and his companion, Rose. Tonight's episode will end the tenure of the current actor playing The Doctor, Christopher Eccleston. While next season will usher in the new actor in The Doctor's role, David Tennant. It's too bad that Eccleston got the ol' case of "being typecast" fear and scooted out of the show after just one season. He was quite phenomenal as the Doctor and certainly put his mark on the franchise. To bad he chickened out just as things were getting good. Silly bastage! Hopefully this Tennant character will do just as good a job next season.
So far the reality show Supergroup rocks. The main theme of the show seems to be the other musicians have to work around Sebastian Bach's temper tantrums and tirades. This week's episode will have bassist, Evan Seinfeld (possibly related to Jerry according to urban legend) bach-slapping (he he, funny play on words) Sebastian. Can't wait.
I'm finally getting up the energy to put together another game of Call of Cthulhu, a horror based RPG that takes place in H.P. Lovecraft's 1920's Cthulhu mythology. My players have been getting quite restless since it's been over a year since I last ran a game. I'm workin' on it! I'm workin' on it!
Ya know, I'm not gunna link this one up. You guys are net savy. If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about, Google it, fercrissakes!
Until next time, keep your feet in the ground, your hearts to the stars and whatever the heck else sounds incredibly cliche and cheesy.
See ya!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
6 days ago
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