Naw, not really, but do you see the extravagant lengths I go through to get people to read this friggin' thing. C'mon folks, throw a lonely geek a bone here. What's the worst that can happen? At the very least you'll walk away feeling a heck of a lot better about yourself.
I guess I should cheer up a bit since I did spend the entire day yesterday geekin' it up with a group of friends playing the Star Wars RPG. Our game master, Mad Mario had us rolling many a 10 and 20 sider in a gallant and successful effort to thwart off a massive attempt by the Speratists/Trade Federation to break Count Dooku out of a maximum security prison on the planet of Dantoonie. My character, a 12th level scoundrel, took out a Sith or two (of course that was well after a few other characters knocked the Sith thugs down quite a few hit points). But who's really keeping track?
It's always fun to noodle on about playing table top, pen and paper role playing games (RPG) since there's a boat load of people out there who have no clue as to what the frell I'm referring to. For those of you scratching your heads trying to figure out what I'm talking about, I'll refer you to HERE.
And yes! I'm still trying to get a date set for my game of Call of Cthulhu. It's up to the players at this point.
On to other points of interest...
I've been able to weasel out more time on the new Elder Scrolls game (Oblivion) for the Xbox360 while over at my friend's place. As I get further into it I can say that this is almost as addictive as the first...... Almost. I've said it here before and I'm going to say it again. Though, the graphics are years ahead of its predecessor, Morrowind, it is a bit lacking in the variety of landscapes that Morrowind had. This is a bit of a disappointment as one of Morrowind's high points was the visual variety in several different landscapes. But, I will admit that the game play will still keep me coming back for more.
On to the silver screen....
They're really going to attempt it! After years and years of deals, rewrites and legalities Alan Moore's Watchman is going to be making it to the big screen. How they're going to take Moore's very deep, superhero, socio-political thriller and turn it into a motion picture is beyond me.
Sure, Moore's V for Vendetta was a success at capturing the themes and messages in that graphic novel without damaging the overall story. Yet, I'm not too optimistic that Hollywood will be able to do the same for Watchmen. The story itself is deep, dark and epic. There's lots of important flashbacks, plots intertwining and character developments that work wonderfully in the book, but might be too much for a movie. They'll have to cut a lot from the graphic novel, which could easily neuter the power of the tale being told. We'll have to wait and see where this all leads.
Although no summer "blockbuster" has really smacked me up side of the head with grand delight as of yet (V for Vendetta came real close), I've have been hearing real good things about Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. It sounds like they have captured the essence of the first film and built upon that. I've also heard that Depp rocks just as hard, if not harder, as our favorite pirate Jack Sparrow. So in a couple of weeks I may have found my favorite summer release, if not sooner....
The other movie I'm cautiously excited about is Superman Returns, which my friend Spanky is just piping at the brim to go and see. I've heard both very good things and marginally good things about this movie. If what I've heard is true and that this movie should be looked at as what Superman III should have been, then we have something to look forward to.
And on that note, I'll end this post with a bit of an interesting Geek fact: Did you know that Superman Returns actor, Brandon Routh is an admitted World of Warcraft freak and has probably spent many an hour playing the computer, on-line massive multiplayer role playing game. And he has an insanely beautiful girlfriend also. Perhaps there's hope for us after all..... NOT.
God I've fallen in love with Wikipedia!
Until next time, keep it clean, folks.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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