Another week come and gone and we're into a 3 day weekend! Whahooo!
On to the nerd stuff.
I promised you all a review of The DaVinci Code, which myself along with a few family members went to go see last weekend. First and foremost I have to mention that most of the critics were a bit nasty with their reviews for the movie. It is far from being a horrible movie as they would like you to think. It's actually quite enjoyable, especially if you've read the book. Keep in mind, most critics are bitter old turds who have little respect for anything that's not in black and white or in a foreign language.
For those of you with your heads in the sand, The DaVinci Code is a movie strongly based on the pulp, thriller novel by Dan Brown which is sort of a treasure hunt for the "Holy Grail" (except there's no Nazis or Sean Connery or fedora wearing thrill seekers). In Mr. Brown's novel, "the Holy Grail" is not the cup from which Jesus drank from at the last supper. It is Mary Magdalene who, according to Brown and many conspiracy therorists, was Jesus' wife from whom he bore a daughter. This has, of course, created an uproar among the religiously fanatical. Who can actually envision Jesus gettin' jiggy with it? Ewwww.
I'm not going to debate the possiblility of the whole "Jesus was married" debacle except to say that we do have to keep in mind that the Bible has been written and re-written many a time throughout both ancient and medieval times. So who knows what is true and what is story from it.
The film follows the book quite closely, changing a few small things here and there. It's still a very interesting piece of cinema. Especially if you've had the chance to read through the book. I'm not a quick reader. It usually take me a month to trudge through a novel. But The DaVinci Code took me two weeks. It was a slick, quick, fun read. Nothing less, nothing more. If you've read the book, the movie's plot moves a little quicker for you. If not, I can see where one might be a little lost at times and the plot may slow down for you.
There's some great things about this movie. Paul Bettany does a great job as the twisted albino assassin, Silas. The settings and cinematography are wonderful at capturing both the beauty and creepiness of Paris. Audrey Tautou is quite adorable and Ian McKellen walks away with this movie. Tom Hanks is good with what little his character is given. Jean Reno is always enjoyable as he is here. There are no horrible performances as critics suggest. Ron "OpieRichyCunningham" Howard does a fine job with the task of translating a somewhat confusing book into a movie.
I don't think there was anything I was horrificly disappointed with in this film. There was only one plot hole that I had a problem with. If you don't want to know the ending of the movie read past the darkness, if you've seen the movie or read the book or don't give a frell highlight to read....
Once Tom Hank's character realizes where the tomb of Mary Magdalene is hidden, it is not fully explained why it is where it is. The ending reveals that the tomb is buried under the Louve art museum. This may make a few people who haven't read the book more than confused on how it ended up there. The filmmakers forgot to point out the fact that the architect who designed the newer glass pyramid entrance to the Louve was a member of a secret sect who vowed to not only protect the sarcophagus of Mary Magdalene, but also keep it's hiding place a secret. That fact might have helped explain the fact of how it ended up at the Louve.
So, while not an extraordinary movie, it's still worth checking out. There are some good locations, performances and intrigue to check this movie out.
I'm hoping to see X-Men: The Last Stand this weekend. I've heard both very good and horrific things about it. Since sadly, this is supposedly the last one of the series (a mere three films in what could be a plethora of movies), I'm hoping that it does the franchise some form of justice since the first two were pretty friggin' awesome!
Two of my favorite shows had their season finales this week. I find myself having to wait a few months before I have some answers to the cliffhangers I was left with from both Lost and "24".
"24" ended with the main character captured by a Government he cheesed off last season. And Lost left a few main characters in a nasty situation while, at the same time, leaving us viewers scratching our heads, trying to figure out how the last scene was at all relevant to what is/was going on in the plot. I wouldn't expect anything less from both programs.
Personally I'm finding myself drawn more toward Lost than "24". "24" has been excellent the last few seasons, but I find it using a few of the same plot devices each season. There's always a mole among the heroes. There's always someone who has no clue as to what is going on taking charge. It's getting a tad stale. Both my friends Mr. Salty and Spanky think that this was the best season ever, I disagree. I felt that last season (2005) was a snot better. Just a small bugger, mind you. Not a full Kleenex sized one. I loved the way that this season started with killing a boat load of main characters (though, I'll my lonely geek sensabilities will miss the character of Michelle Dressler dearly). Other wise the season was good, but not fantastic.
Another problem I had was there was no sign of "Mini Skit Mandy", our Boba Fett of "24". The mysterious terrorist who pops in from season to season was nowhere to be seen. FRELL!!!!
The only problem I have with Lost is that it presents questions that are never answered. Weren't there polar bears on the island at one time? Well, what the frell happened to them? Wasn't there some sort of tree smashing, floating form of smoke that was thrashing about the island? What was that supposed to be and where did it disappear to? Now that Libby is dead, will we ever find out why she was at the same nut house that Hurrley was? If none of what I'm talking about makes any sense to you, then you need to awaken yourself and get the DVD of the first season of Lost and then when the second season comes out on DVD get that too. It's well worth it. Even though few questions are answered, it's still like crack-cocaine. Great TV!
I found out this week that a good friend of mine who's in the Navy Reserves is being sent to the middle east at the end of July. He'll be there for a year and a half (WTF?????). No matter how anyone feels about our country's involvement in this war, you have to give serious props to those that serve our country and put their lives on the line in the name of freedom and democracy. I can tell you that this friend is a good hearted person and every bit the patriot as he can be and is proud to serve our country. Be sure that your hearts and minds are with our past and present troops this Memorial Day weekend.
Since the idiots at the Sci-Fi channel decided not to show an episode of Dr. Who tonight (WTF????), I'm off to have a cigar. Enjoy the 3 day weekend and remember what and who it stands for. Be sure to hoist a few for those that both currently and have served us! Whether you side with the Dixie Twits or the likes of Rush Bimbo, shouldn't matter. Hoist 'em anyway!
I'm outta here.
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