I know. I missed a couple of weeks there, but, believe it or not, I actually get to slink out of my den of dorkiness and tare myself away from the Xbox and PS2 and actually have somewhat of a social life on the weekends.... once in a while.
I had a cookout or two to attend. And far be it from me to pass up food, beer and some good ol' trash talking. Yep. Another game of Munchkin was played. This time out I had my keister handed to me on a platter, much to the sadistic joy of my friends. Well, you can't win 'em all. Actually I can hardly win any. I think I've won twice in the 4 or 5 years that we've been playing. Though, I really enjoy the game, I pretty much blow at it. Go figure. At least there was no bloodshed, tears or broken furniture this time around. Well, that may not be entirely true as I though I saw a small, wet glimmer run down the cheek of our buddy Peej.
Can you believe it's been a full year since some friends and I were waiting outside, in line for the midnight showing of Ep.III. Time really does fly when you get older. Feels like it was just a few months ago that we were out in the cold, wet air salivating for a decent prequel movie. Well, we sure got it! It was THE BEST of the prequels as well as one of the best in the whole Star Wars saga. You can read my blog from that time here (Scroll down to "The Morning After"). Enjoy reliving the pure geek rapture that is the opening of a Star Wars movie!
I recently headed into my local used video game store and came out with the action RPG X-Men: Legends. So far, what I've played I've enjoyed, but it certainly hasn't knocked me off my rocker as it has for many video game magazine reviewers. It's a good solid action RPG that delves into team play and is all about smacking around bad guys while using your team's mutant powers and combos to thwart Magneto's evil mutants. If you've read the comics or seen the movies you'll probably get far more out of it than the casual player.
One of the things that bugs me a bit about the game is the fact that your team uses up a ton of health packs early on. You'll find yourself down to 1 health package between 4 characters with a number of nasty fights looming around the corner and no other health packs to be found anywhere. Oh, there's an abundance of energy packs all over the place, but when you desperately need some serious health, there are none to be found. If one of your characters die, it will cost you credits (money) to resurrect them. Which brings me to my other gripe, although there's a lot of credit tolkens to be found, they don't add up to much. At least not enough to let you buy a decent item you may need to purchase back at headquarters.
I'm finding the trick to getting stronger characters in this game is not necessarily taking them out in the field one mission after the next, it's having them practice in the war room constantly. This way they level up, receive credits, health packs and can practice combo maneuvers and other things that get our geek blood boiling. I'll let you know my final thoughts once I finish the game. Hopefully it will be a better X-men experience than the upcoming movie is rumored to be.
I'm also replaying another action RPG that I had borrowed to my friend Roberto a year or so ago. I forgot that I had it. Since I got it back I've been tooling around in the world of Everquest in Champions of Norrath. Basically, it's the EXACT same gameplay as the two Baulder's Gate games that are on the PS2. So, though it's nothing new or innovative, it allows me to waste a couple of hours in a hack 'n 'slash frenzy. Ya gotta love that!
Tomorrow me and some of the family will be heading to the movie theater to check out The DaVinci Code. I read the book and loved it. Bitter critics are chewing it up in the reviews. But, I've heard that if you've read the book, you'll understand more of what's going on in the movie. If you haven't, it could be a bit long winded and boring for you. Either way the whole controversy the subject matter has seemed to drum up is quite amusing to watch.
I'll let you know how I liked it.
Oh yeh. Tomorrow is the start of a new reality show that I just have to check out. Supergroup will air on VH1 and features Sabastian Bach of Skid Row fame, Ted Nugent, Evan Seinfeld of Biohazard, Jason Bonham of the band Bonham and son of Led Zep's John Bonham, and my personal fave, Scott Ian of Anthrax. They all get put into a house in Vegas for a week or so and have to write, record and perform live a couple of original songs. They call themselves Damnocracy! All of them are very strong personalities. All of them are very opinionated. Some of them are drinkers. Some of them are alpha male, right wing gun nuts (well, maybe one of them. Guess who?) Some of them have VERY short fuses............ Someone's gunna die.
I love both Scott Ian and Ted Nugent (Uncle Ted). Neither of them are very shy about saying what's on their minds and what their beliefs are. Both are politically polar opposites. Hopefully we'll have a little Hannity and Combs session with the two.
Though I admire Uncle Ted for the fact that he doesn't back down from his beliefs and tends to cheese of more than a few of those that are fanatically on the left wing (actually, he probably cheeses off a few of those on the far right as well..... all the more reason to like the guy), I was quite disappointed by his all out lack of respect when recently commenting on the late, great Darrell Abott. Shame on you Ted. (Actually, I should watch what I write. Ted is actualy in town here at a big ass gun show as I type this! I don't think he reads geekd out blogs though.).
That's gunna have to be another edition of my Blog of Geekdom for now. Until next time, Geek out, mutha truckers!
Gnomecast 200 – Why We Do This
Join us for our 200th episode of the Gnomecast, as we talk about why we do
18 hours ago
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