Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Season of the Dead Progressing Nicely...

Can you believe that we're nearly at the half-way mark of October / Halloween season? I can't. Goes too frellin' fast! Once the month is over we go directly into the season of snow, cold, muck and holidays that are too friggin' expensive to deal with and remind you of how lonely life can be. Blech, Blech and double Blech. But I'll get more into my Grinch mode as that lame holiday rears it's butt-ugly head. But for right now we're full tilt into the greatest holiday known to mankind. So let's revere it here in my blog of geekdom!!!!

Halloween started as a celebration of the bountiful harvest that the early peoples of the world were so thankful for. It was also a window of time that was believed to be when the planes of the living and the dead were at their closest. Very cool indeed. Of course more fanatical religions continue to try and outlaw and censor it due to the fact that it is based on ancient religions that were conceived long before more popular religions came into power. But let's not get into any of the social implications of religious fanaticism. Lets see what cool as frell Halloween websites are out there to visit in another edition of.....

This website is created from fans of Haunted Attractions located on the East Coast. It is put together quite well and has the distinction of being the most visually stunning website put together by haunted attraction fans that I have seen to date. They really go out of their way to visit and report on many haunts that are not only located on the East Coast, but also cover some of the big theme parks that dress up their parks for Halloween (Knotts Scary Farms, Universal Studios' Halloween Horror Nights). The only downer about this site is that they seemed to go into hibernation in the middle of last year's haunt season. No updates past October 15th of 2004. But, what coverage they do have there is pretty cool. So check it out. Maybe the hits will bring them back to life!

On that note, I'm still trying to put something together for next weekend and visiting a local haunt or two. I'll let you all know what goes down. I'm going through haunt withdrawal and am foaming at the mouth for a smell of that fog machine and plywood smell that I crave this time of year!!! Gotta get me some scares going here. I'll let you all know what haunt(s) I visit and what I think of them.

In other stuff....


My best buddy, Goof is coming into town this weekend. He's the only one of you who will actually reply to my posts. He must feel sorry for me. He's coming into town to do a little "I.T." work for his parents. Hopefully it will be a quick job and we'll be able to do some form of hanging out. Sadly his beautiful wife won't be joining us. She's a hoot. But since she won't be there, I guess we'll have to do the traditional "Let's pick up some whores" night. Cest le vie. (just kiddin'!)

Can anyone tell me who the frell Daniel Craig is. 'Cause he's supposedly the new James Bond. Every news outlet is proclaiming him to be the successor to unceremoniously 86'd Pierce Brosnan (who, anybody with a soul and a brain, would tell you should have been kept on to do at least one more Bond film). I've seen a picture of Craig and he looks about as much as the character of James Bond as Billy Dee Williams would. This guy has made a few independent / foreign films and seems to have a decent set of acting chops. But, he'll have to fill the shoes of a very beloved and popular actor who had a name before he took on the role of Bond. Nothing is official yet. But, I wish this Craig guy the best. He'll need it to win over us already cheesed off, die hard Bond fans who are still sour about how Wilson and Broccoli have frelled up the movie series by ousting Brosnan. I don't think that this poor sod has any clue as to what he's stumbled into. I cross my fingers for him. Poor sod.

Shoot! Gotta go. The Apprentice is on and as I've said before, I love watching greedy yuppies tear each other apart.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:22 PM

    And you call yourself a geek!

    you fool, you didn't mention THIS link

    James Doohan is going into space:;_ylt=AnBmdIDF.NQayFUTzpwa0zus0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-
