Yep. We're at #100. One hundred posts written by yours truly. One hundred posts completely ignored by friends and family. Can you feel the love? If you do, can you send some my way.
Let's briefly talk about good Halloween mood music, shall we? A lot of you may be asking yourselves, "Gee, I wonder what kind of Halloween mood music Zangz likes to listen to during this time of season of the undead?"
Well, there are two bands that I feel really bring out the Autumnal / Halloween feel in their music. One would be a two man group called Midnight Syndicate. These guys specialize is synthesized, orchestra, instrumental melodies of the netherworld. Their music is custom made for haunted houses, Halloween parties, horror role playing games and yard haunts. They've got quite a few under their belt with each having a different theme. One has a ghost type theme, one has a spooky old castle feel to it, one is dedicated to vampires, another has a musical story of an old insane asylum and their latest is a haunted house theme.
The other band is a group I've lauded time and time again on both my blog and website. The band would be Brooklyn born Type-O-Negative. Granted, they're not the most PC band on the planet, but that's the way they like it. If you took the Beatles and mixed them with a good dose of Black Sabbath with a dash of Goth and a sprinkle of bitterness, you'd have their vibe. When it comes to the real themes and feelings of Autumn and Halloween, I think that two of their CD's really hit the spot, October Rust and World Coming Down. Not all of the songs are lyrically dedicated to fall, but outside of the title of the album, October Rust's music seems to remind of the trees changing color and the leaves slowly falling tot he ground. World Coming Down is a whole other story. Two songs on this CD are aimed smack dab at us Halloween fans, Creepy Green Light and All Hallows Eve. They're great songs and I can't get through a Halloween season without hearing them an unhealthy number of times.
In other spooky stuff....
We have the first week of Halloween season under our belt now. The Z.V.O.G. Headquarters have more than a few jack-o-lanterns peering out its windows in the evenings as well as an odd creature or two lurking about the apartment. Later today I'll be joining my sister and brother-in-law to in a search to seek out more haunting props to give us some ideas as to what we're going to do for their house during trick-or-treat this year. It's leaning more and more towards a graveyard type setting. I have a few old, Styrofoam headstones I made years ago, back when I lived at home and would do up my family's front yard for trick-or-treat. Sadly, most of the props are long gone due to the downsizing in general crap I had when I moved from home to a smaller apartment. So we may have to stock up or create our own. I'll let you all know how things progress. One last thing, since we're talking about Halloween yard displays. It's time for another segment of.....
The Hallowed Haunting Grounds
You think that putting a few Styrofoam gravestones in your front yard constitutes as a yard haunt (well.... I do)? After viewing this site, you'll think differently. For several years a group of Halloween fans in Studio City, California have put together the ultimate in Halloween displays! Focusing on a real creepy atmosphere rather than blood and gore, their extravaganza has been a huge success where fans have traveled far and wide to get a glimpse at the macabre presentation. Sadly, all good things... yadda, yadda, yadda. This will be the last year that it's on display. So if you can't get out there this year, check out this website. It gives you a very good idea of what they do. Probably the most extravagant an eerie display known to man.
That's all for today, enjoy your Sunday.
That's all for today, enjoy your Sunday.
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