Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Of Masquerades and Dreamscapes.

My last post was a detailed account of a dream I had a while ago.  I'd like to take a closer look try and see what that was all about.

If you haven't yet, take a gander at the last post before you read this. If you don't, this post will mot make a ton of sense to you.

Off the bat, my love for the James Bond films is certainly influencing the first half of the dream. The fact that somehow in this dream I know I'm a secret agent following a person resembling Moonraker's Hugo Drax (actor Michael Lonsdale) is pretty much a big hint for my love of the films.

The second recognizable influence is the Assassin's Creed video game I've been playing since this past November (IV: Black Flag) when I dispatch "Drax" in the alleyway using the ever popular wrist blades the main character you play in the game uses.  I've been playing the ever-lovin' heck out of the game and it apparently has imbedded itself into my psyche.

We return to the Bond influence when I pull the golden floppy disc from the body's coat pocket.  In many a spy thriller there are always computer files that need pilfering that usually have some sort of imposing world doom type information on them.

Why the disc is golden and has illegible symbols on it is a fact that perplexes me. Is the gold a throwback to The Man With The Golden Gun?  Is the odd inscription something from The Da Vinci Vode or perhaps something Lovecraftian?

From here it's always interesting how dreams can leap forward in time to another chapter.  It's as if my ADD is active even as I sleep.  It is at this part of the dream where it is revealed that the golden disc is not for a computer at all, but is used as a key that is inserted into a slot, not like a usual floppy disc, but vertically into an indentation in a door of an appartment.  The part where the odd writing starts to glow leans more toward Lovecraftian than Bondinian (Yes.  That's a word.  Just deal!)

The whole dark meeting sequence and what transpired within where GREATLY influenced by my days of playing the vampire RPG, Vampire: The Masquerade.  The gaming group I played with that was led by my friend Mad Mario, who plays a big role in the dream along with his wife Hope.  We haven't played the game in eighteen years.  How it's popping into my psyche now is another mystery.

The James Bond theme of this dream is now gone.  It now becomes all about the vampire RPG all the way.  Especially with the the attribute slide show the meeting attendants have to choose from.  I choose the one called "Scout of the Disney Parks".

It is never revealed what power this gives me, but could be a foreshadowing of an actual family adventure that may be taking place in the not to overly distant future.

As for Hope being dressed as Morticia Adams, she did dress as the character at a Halloween party that they threw years ago.

The power growing in me may be the transition to becoming a vampire.  Although the term vampire is never uttered in the dream and I am never bitten in the neck nor do I feed off of another vampire. It is what I think I'm becoming after Mario's Disney Scout gift.

At this time I'll assume the other attendees are vampires as well.

Jumping ahead in time again, act three starts in the same appartment as where the meeting took place.  This appears to be the part of the dream where Mad Mario and Hope start teaching me to be a vampire or at least show me some vampire powers.

I find it quite amusing how much traditional vampire lore got into this dream.  Especially in this part where I'm taken up to the roof and have a reaction to the sun.

Assasins Creed slips into the dream once again as Mario and myself hop along the branches of trees in the park.

It is here where things go a little dark as Mario does his whole birdy, blood suck routine.  The fact that I'm entertained and not bothered by it tells me that I have seen so many darned horror movies that I've become used to it.  I'm sure if it happened for real, my reaction would be quite different.

The fourth act is a real odd one, as if this whole dream hasn't been.  Hope and Mario are now out of the picture and I'm back at that dark appartment.  My mom is with me now and I'm helping her with chores as a usually do in the living world. The pug dog comes from nowhere I can think of.  But, the whole phone call from Mario and trying to leave my mom for some sort of, what I suspect, is a vampire mission is quite interesting.

There's also the fact that my mom is much younger than she is in real life.  I'm not sure that this isn't a sign of the fear of losing my mother.  Aging is something we all fear and can be quite harsh when we watch a loved one go through it.

To say that this dream is one of the strangest I've ever had is hard for me to argue with myself about.

Odd, odd, odd and odd is how I'd catorgorize it.  A journey into the dreams of the dark fantastique I'd qualify it as.

That's all for now, gang.  I gotta get going.  So until next time, stay vertical!


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