Ya know, I've been looking at my past posts of this year (if I don't do it, who will) and have noticed that they are far less in quantity than in years past. It's not that I don't enjoy visiting here or am getting bored with it. I think this year I've become far busier and when I get home from work I'm so beat, the last thing I want to do is try and do some creative free writing. Especially when it's free writing that 2.5 people read regularly. So if you're truly bothered by my less frequent blogs. I apologize. I can always try to be a little more attentive to my silly little spot on the world wide web.
It certainly is summer in the Brew City. The sounds of the huge, local music party, Summerfest, can be heard off the lakefront, bouncing off the buildings where Zangz's Blog of Geekdom's headquarters are located. I was hoping to get down there last night to catch Judas Priest, but after getting out of work later than I had hoped, the last thing I wanted to do was go down and pay $15 to get into the fest only to end up buying overpriced beer, marked up cigars and trying to get a glimpse of Priest amongst of throngs of people who probably got the day off to stake out a spot earlier in the day.
Instead I opted to hit a local Irish Pub near work where a co-worker won an "office party" (15 free pitchers of beer) Oddly enough only six others from work showed up. I believe we could only polish away 10 of them between us before we gave in. I decided to stay for dinner to sop up the some of the free beer. An excellent pub burger was ingested very quickly.
Later in the evening I found myself out back in my parking lot enjoying the nice weather and a cigar. A perfect start to a very well deserved three day weekend.
In geek related topics, I recently picked up the add on supplement to one of my favorite video games of the past year, Fallout 3. The add on allows character generation to go beyond just a measly 20 levels as well as adding more game content including scenarios called "The Pitt" as well as "Operation Anchorage". Originally this content was only given to those with an Xbox 360 Live Internet connection as downloadable content. But the wonderful people at Bethesda have provided in on a update disc for those of us not hooked up. Rumore has it there's even more new scenarios and adventures planned for Fallout 3 in the near future and I'm hoping they'll be provided on a disc also!
The sad thing is even though I bought this a month ago, I still haven't played any of it because I'm still traipsing through Two Worlds. The game is getting a little frustrating as I'm finding that it has quite a few glitches that actually don't allow you to complete quests. I'm glad I got that game for real cheap.
Music wise, what have I been listening to latley? I've found Shiny Toy Guns to be a pleasent little electronica diversion from my usual much louder and aggressive interests. Check them out, won't you?
What else can I tell you? Not much. That's about it for today.
Again have a fun and safe 4th of July!
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