Well, kids, I grabbed my copy of Grand Theft Auto 4 the day it came out (this past Tuesday) and I have to tell you, after playing a full 5 hours of the game (not in one sitting...honest. Well, ok, maybe 4 hours of full sitting and one hour sometime there after) I've hardly scraped the surface of what the open ended sandbox game has to offer! I haven't even gotten out of my neighborhood yet! This game is huge and incredibly epic. The graphics are so incredible I feel that I'm damn near visiting New York rather than playing a game that is based off of it!
What I have played so far is just incredible. Not only can you do the usual car jacking, causing havoc, fleeing the law and all the other accoutrement's that the GTA series has to offer, I've also played a bowling game, played a dart game and gotten completely hammered at a bar and had to try and walk back to my car without falling on my face! Yep. They replicate what it's like to be drunk! How crazy is that?!?!
Already the "Puritanical Police" have condemned it for it's crime simulation content just to get their names in the media. Wil Wheaton has nice blog about that which you can read HERE. They can kiss my lily white A$$! "Cause this game rocks my world!
I could go on and on, but I haven't even gotten to a point where I can review it since I'm hardly that far in the game.
Tomorrow I plan to immerse myself more in depth into the fictional Liberty City and see what more it has to offer.
I'm sure I'll be bloggin' more on the subject at a latter time. So stay tuned.
In other news, I've found myself very envious of my mom as she just recently bought a nice Mac and set up for DSL. Here I am stuck with a PC and dial up. I spent an evening at my Mom's downloading YouTube videos of movie trailers and music videos 'cause they download as they play rather than taking 30 minutes to download a 5 minute clip. I may have to upgrade to DSL very soon. We'll see.
Also concerning family matters, things are finally looking good. My one relative finally got in touch with me and is doing fine after a very serious operation. They're at home recuperating and in very good spirits! thanks for the good vibes you sent their way.
Movie reviews, why the hell not.....
3:10 to Yuma - It's not quite up there with Silverado or The Unforgiven, but it certainly holds it's own as a cool as hell western! It's a bit slow at times, but the performances are spot on and the action scenes are pretty good. The story is quite good also. If you're a fan of westerns you'll want to check this one out!
Hostel Part II - Again, I'm not a big torture porn horror fan, but they seem to pull this one off with a cool story. There are a lot of parts that will not scare you , but piss you the hell off. But, in one particular scene one psycho get his come-uppence in a way that will have guys closing their legs closed for dear life. A decent flick, but if you're more into paranormal horror rather than slasher flick, you may want to avoid this.
Closure (Straightheads)- This movie about a doomed sexual relationship and revenge may be a cliche of a lot of sexually driven thrillers and may have a plot that is as half-assed as any ever put on film, but card carrying members of the Gillian Anderson Appreciation Society. will revel in this flick. I won't get into too much detail, suffice it to say, there's the female lead is topless in a couple of scenes and there is an anal rape scene involving a sniper riffle. Who the frell thinks up this dren? Male X-Files fans might want to check it out on a lonely Friday night.
I'm gunna call it quits for now as I have more Torchwood, season one to catch up on right now (Yep. Another lonely Friday night).
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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