The summer cometh with a promise of beers, cigars, cookouts and bonfires... and wonderfully geeky movies for my brain to consume like a mutha trucker! I'm just hoping that we'll start to get a decent warm up sooner or later. It's a bummer waking up to 40 degree weather outside when it should be in the high 50's at least.
But, what am I complaining about? The summer season kicks off officially next week with a 3 day holiday weekend (that I'm going to extend to a 5 day weekend with vacation days) that will feature (drum roll please)......
Hellyeah, I'm psyched! too bad most friends aren't quite into it as much as I am, since I've been bugging them about when they want to see it. Of course they ignore my cries for geekosity and don't reply or answer. Hopefully we'll have this resolved by next weekend.
One summer blockbuster I have seen and enjoyed the frell out of was Ironman! I'd give a review, but mine would be exactally like the ones you've probably have read already on the internet. Robert Downey Jr. is frackin' brilliant as Tony Stark, the action sequences (the few that there were... one gripe) were frackin' brutal and the fact that Gweneth Paltrow comes off as being frackin' adorably hot in the roll of Pepper Potts rather than slightly aloof which seems to plague the actress a bit was quite welcome. If you're a fan of the comic, definitely go see this mutha as it has a very interesting way to be very loyal to the source material without being dated. If you're not a fan of the comic, go for an excellent fanboy experience!
Let's see. What else? Oh, I finally finished Jim Butcher's first novel of the Dresden Files, "Storm Front". Though I enjoyed it, I kept finding myself going back to the character of John Constintine, also a magic detective of sorts. Unfortunately Constantine is a bit more up my alley rather than Harry Dresden. Constantine is far more darker and off beat. Though I certainly plan to revisit Harry Dresden's world one day, reading Storm Front made me yearn for the days when Garth Ennis wrote the John Constintine comics. I can't say Ennis' version of Constantine is better than Butcher's Dresden. He's just slightly more my kind of mage who tries to solve problems of the paranormal.
I'm still working on "Sister of the Dead". I'm also going to hacking through the Alice Cooper autobiography "Golf Monster", the short story anthology of one of the very first pulp action characters, "The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane" by the late, great Robert E. Howard. Then I still have to get back to the world of pathologist Alex Cross in James Patterson's "Big Bad Wolf". Lots of reading to do this summer.
There's also lots of time that will have to be spent on GTA4 this weekend. I love this friggin' game!!!! I do have a couple of quibbles with it. First, the control of the automobiles is a little to limiting compared to the last games. Just try and make a sharp turn while being perused by the law and not fly out of control! I'm hoping there's a way to get a hang of it to make the experience more enjoyable. There's also the fact you're being bothered all the time by contacts you make in the game. Just try and float around the city while discovering new sights when suddenly you're girlfriend, Michelle calls you on your cell phone for a date. Or your dumb-assed cousin calls you to go out drinking while you're in the middle of trying to do a stunt jump. It gets a little monotonous at times. But, I still love this friggin' game.
Ok, I'm gunna head out and smoke a cigar while I get a little more reading done before the sun goes down. Until next time, as a very wise man once told me, stay vertical.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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