I know, the title sounds like some sort of lame-assed, new age, hippie post, but it's not. I assure you.
It's just that I got some gift cards for my birthday a few weeks back and finally decided to cash them in. I decided to pick up the box set of the TV series Firefly, a brilliant sci-fi action show that was on FOX and lasted only one season (due to the pure stupidity of the number crunchers at the network). That one season is now a box set of DVD's that I'm slowly, but surely, going through. It's a very good time to do so with the writers strike and all.
It still blows my mind how Joss Wheden created such a wonderful show that was not given its fair due. It follows a rag-tag crew of smugglers who pick up odd jobs here an there throughout the galaxy several hundred years from now. They're housed in the space ship, Serenity which takes them from planet to planet in a galaxy that has a wild west feel to it rather than a more fantastical or futuristic driven motif. Joss created characters that you really care about (especially Inara... ehem, ehem). If you're ever looking for something that is completely different from all the other sci-fi shows on TV, pick up or rent the series Firefly. You will not be disappointed!!!
Since we're on the subject of genre television, I must also mention that I'm going through the second season of HBO's equally defunct, odd as frack TV series Carnivale. The show follows the exploits of an old 1930's midway carnival across the dustbin of America. Of course there are bizarre, creepy, paranormal things going on around the freak show folk. It's another series the was yanked before its time by network number crunching numb-nuts. Another series you all need to check out. Especially when the girls dance "the Hooch"!
Still on the topic of genre television, the phenomenal TV series LOST launched its latest season last night. And, as usual we get a few answers and far more questions. But, I still love this show! I hope the writers' strike commences before the eight episodes they've been able to shoot are done!
Hey, believe it or not, I actually won a game of Munchkin, much to the surprise of the rest of the players. I never frellin' win...ever! But, somehow my brilliance finally paid off. actually it was because a few of the players were shat-faced on red wine and I slipped right by them. Bahahahahaaha. Eat it, kids!
I think I'll be calling it a night here as I need to go fantasize about Inara from Firefly.
See you all later.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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