Boy, was today an "up and down" day for me. Trying to get to work on time was a real challenge as people seem to always forget how to drive when it snows and putter around at 10 to 20 mph under the speed limit. I barely got into to work on time by the skin of my teeth.
Loads of work came in and at first we had a real good grasp on it. In fact we even started to get ahead of it a bit. Then, as usually a poop-storm of it hit all at once at the very end of the day and we found ourselves scrambling to make sure it was all done and gone on time. But, we persevered and got through it all and hopefully did well at the end of the month.
Then I got an ecstatic call from my mom. Apparently, she scored a couple of tix to go see Billy Joel this Sunday! I'm not a huge Billy Joel fan, but free tix are free tix and I'll whore that offer up fer sure! I've heard he always puts on an excellent show. I remember being a kid in grade school and his album, 52nd Street came out and that was one of those albums that you just had to own!
Then my mom drops a little bomb of news that made me not even want to go see Billy. Apparently a very, very close relative went in to have a physical and the doctor found "something" that will have to be further tested. Lets just say, it's something that most women dread finding. It could be nothing, but until the further testing ensues and we get results, I'm going to be a bit worried. Let's hope all goes well. Keep my relative in your thoughts this week.
I then finally get home from work (yippee) and find that my rent is being raised again in under a year (boo-hiss). Can this day just frellin' end, please?
It's been awhile since I delved into any movie reviews, so here are a few for you....
Shoot 'Em Up - It's a no holds barred, non-stop action flick that barrows a lot from Robert Rodruigez's uber-acrobatic, gun play action movies. The silly twist to it is that it tries to apologize for the uber-violence being depicted by ending up with an anti-gun message. that's kind of frackin' lame, isn't it? The movie is a lot of fun and both Paul Giamattti and Clive Owen are both good in it and a lot of the gun play / choreography is top notch. It just loses its nards with the whole anti-gun stance. Seems a bit hypocritical. "Lets make a insanely violent movie with lots of guns, and bloodshed, but then excuse ourselves with a blatant anti gun stance towards the end of the film." Even though their morals are a bit messed up and silly its' still a fun as hell film to watch. And Monica Bellucci is very nice in it. It's a total bubble gum, action, escapist romp.
Live Free or Die Hard - Here's another fun as heck action thriller that is also the 4th installment of the Die Hard series featuring Bruce Willis as Detective John McLane who always finds himself in odd situations that deal with terrorists trying to take over buildings, airports or cities. I had a lot of fun with this one, even though it wasn't exactaly as popular as the other three films. I really enjoyed the villain as well as his beautiful side kick. The action was over the top. Would you really want to settle for less? this was also a fun as heck action flick that needs to be viewed by all.
Believe it or not, when it comes to genre films, those are the only ones I have really viewed in recent weeks. I gotta get back on track. I've updated my on-line video club with a few more that I will review in weeks to come. So hold tight.
I've been looking at past blogs and have found that I've been pretty much on the attack about some things I've recently found unjust. I figure it has something to due with the S.A.D. I'm dealing with as the winter weather has no hint of letting up any time soon. So I apologize to the Wienstein Company for my rant about how they're trying to frell up the movie Fanboys in my last blog. I guess I'll wait 'till it comes out to pass judgment. I just hope they don't screw it all to hell and back for the almighty dollar.
I'm still working on BioShock and Mass Effect ....... and Resident Evil 4. well as reading My Boring Ass Life by Kevin Smith as well as Storm Front... and Sister of the Dead... and Manhunt: The 12 Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer. ADD can really take the pizz outta me.
Speaking of ADD. have you been catching LOST lately. Time travel!!! WTF? I'm lovin' it, even though it's really cheesing off my friend Iris Von Beaverhousen. No answers, but more questions. Still gotta love it!
Oh, yes! I recently found out that my friend Dave is in the process of procreating for the first time! His seed has successfully inhabited his wife's egg and in several month's time he will be a proud poppa! Congratz to Dave and Stacey! If anyone deserves this blessing, it's the two of you!!!
And in major geek news, it appears that the latest edition of D&D won't be anywhere near as bad as rumored to be. Though, I haven't played the game in over a decade (I'm in CoC mode right now), I'm wondering how the rest of the RPG community will accept it. Here's a pretty stellar review of it.
Until next time, I'm outta here. Stay vertical!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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