I'm just in one of those moods to do some bloggin', but haven't the foggiest idea of what I'm going to drone on about. I have been just foating around the web seeing nothing that really catches my mind (goatluv.com was clossed down. Har, har, har. Just kiddin'. Honest, I was!)
Actually I was trying to find out when the next Type-O-Negative and Lacuna Coil albums are to come out. No luck. Dratz. I saw these two bands perform together (Coil opened) a few years ago and both were phenominal. Hopefully we'll see some new stuff soon.
Mother of frell!! Is there anything to blog about?!?!?!?!
Last night's episode of Lost was another highlight of this season. A lot of fanboys of that show are pretty dissapointed today. Can't belive the writers decided to off one of the cuties last night. And, WOW, the way it went down was pretty demented writing. It should play out nicely in episodes to come.
Hrrmmmmm..... what else?
Oh... I decided that the next book I wanted to read should be most definitley light weight and fun. So I went back into my James Bond collection and pulled out John Gardner's "License Renewed". It's fun to read since it was written back in 1981. There's a scene in the book where Gardner descibes a "high-tech" guest room in a castle that is equiped with all the modern day acruitraments a entertainment center should have including a video tape cassete and quadrophonic sound. DVD's and Dolby 5.1 souround sound, anybody? I'm reading this one pretty quickly, so I may give it a quicky review on here soon.
Ok, I've waysted enough of all of our time. I gotta run over to Jimmy-John's and pick up a sub for dinner before The Donald fires off another, stuck up, elitist, greedy yuppie. It's supposed to have a Star Wars compitition tonight. Maybe General Greivious will get medievil on the ass-kissin' stooges. Cool beans!
Gotta run.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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