I know that I've been slacking for the last week. But it's not like there's millions of readers banging down the doors to Zangz Headquarters demanding a more consistent and timely blog. There's more like 2.5 readers who pop in from time to time and feel much better about themselves knowing that their lives aren't quite as dripping in geek-osity as mine.
But, enough about me. On to today's big, geek event. Today was the day that Microsoft shelled out their next generation video game/entertainment counsel, the Xbox 360, onto the buying public. Well... let me rephrase that.... onto a smidgen of the buying public, as the powers that be purposefully orchestrated massive shortages of the gaming system so the hype could be built up throughout the Xmas season.
Yup. I talked to someone "in the know" and involved in the distribution and sales of media merchandise (Big ElectronicsStoreSalesGuy... cough, cough... cough), and he surmises that the powers that be have well over enough of the units on hand to supply everyone who wants one over the Xmas season. But apparently, B.G. and his brood decided that they'll very slowly release a few to retailers here and there, taking their very sweet time. They want this to be the "must have" for the Xmas season. Unfortunately, according to my source (cough, cough), there won't be anywhere near enough to meet supply and demand until February or March. So both retailers and gaming fans are getting another rendition of a good ol' "B.G. Buggerin'"!
Another sleazy thing that some retailers pulled on gamers buying the Xbox 360 was that they forced them to buy it as part of a bundle of Xbox accessories, raising the price up from the usual $300 / $400 to near One Grand. They refused to sell the counsel as a lone item. So it looks like there's far more ugliness and greed upon the 360's release date rather than good things to say. It's sad to see such a nice, quality piece of equipment being marred by such shadiness. The greed machine plows on through.
Though I'm waiting until late winter/early spring to pick me up one, I did get to play a little of a store demo of a game called "Call of Duty" and it visually blew me away. Looks really good. I can't wait to see what the next Elder Scrolls game will look on it!!!
Turkey day is coming up and I'm ready for the triptometaphine (sp?) buzz that comes with it. Got a few days off afterward and will try and go see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and see how I like that one. So far, I've found them all... cute. Though, the last one was getting a bit darker and supposedly this one ups the ante a bit. So there's more incentive for me to try and get more out of this phenomenon called Harry Potter.
Ya know, that's all I got for now. Talk to you soon.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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