Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Monday, October 31, 2016

The Gracey Manor Project

The following excepts came from a small, leather bound journal that was found on November 1st, 2015 under a park bench in the small township of Liberty Square.  They are finally being released here on this Blogspot page and shed very little light on the inactivity and whereabouts of the blogger known as Zangz.

"October 30th, 2015. 11:35 PM.
I'm out of my mind excited for the adventure ahead.  I've spent tonight packing all relevant materials that I think I need and trying to fit them into my travel bags.  It was a bit tricky, but I think I got all squared away.

Though, I'll try and get some sleep tonight to survive the 4 AM wake up call to get to the airport tomorrow, I'm pretty sure my mind will be racing with thoughts of the personal investigation of the infamous Gracey Manor that I'll be taking myself on in just a couple of days!  Located on the East Coast in the small quaint town of Liberty Square, the mansion is ranked up there with the likes of Myrtles Plantation, The Whaley House and The Winchester Mystery House as one of the most reportedly haunted houses in the world.

To say that I'm not a little nervous about the lack of experience that I have when it comes to paranormal research would be a lie.  I cannot afford all the bells and whistles that all of the reality show investigators use, but I'll be one up on them as I've purchased a book called The Necronomicon that may just help me summon up some spiritual activity.

It's late and Im tired and I have to get up in a few hours to catch my flight.  I'll journal more tomorrow.


"October 31st, 2015.  8:15 AM.
We are over the rain clouds now and heading east on a Southwest flight that is experiencing a little turbulence, but nothing unsettling.  In a few hours I will be touching down and then heading to the town of Disney Springs, located a few miles southwest of Liberty Square, where I will meet up with an internet friend who's helped me out with a lot of the research on this project.  His name is Jack Lindsey and his grandfather opened a bar made out of an old airplane hanger.  Good drinks and good food will be had there.

Luckily I did end up having a pretty sound sleep last night.  As soon as my head touched the pillow, I was out like a light.  I did have a very odd dream, though.  I dreamt that I awoke from my slumber to witness a transparent woman, in a bride's dress, floating above me, holding an axe.  I couldn't move or speak as I was completely frozen in my bed.  I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, I was alone in the dark room.  Sleep paralysis can be pretty crazy from what I hear.  That was the first time I've ever experienced it.  Odd, huh?

I think I'll try to make heads or tales of some of these odd symbols in this Necronomicon book while the flight lasts.  More later.


"October 31st, 2015.  11:30 PM.
What a fun and enlightening evening.  I'm resting at my hotel now.  After the flight I headed to Disney Springs to meet with Jack.  Disney Springs was at one time a quaint little neighborhood that has wonderfully expanded into a commercial mecca without loosing the small town charm.  I met up with Jack at his Hanger Bar and we had a great time.  Jack has taken the bar his grandfather opened many moons ago and expanded on it with a kitchen with excellent food and local microbrews.  It is filled with a lot of his grandfather's mementos and tokens from his piloting travels dating back as far as the 1040's.

After a good, hearty meal and some brewskis, Jack regaled me with a lot of the crazy history of Gracey Manor.

Built in the late 18th century the huge Dutch Gothic Revival house was going to be the home of a Jebodiah Crawley, a man as mysterious as the house itself.  Little is known about him but, there were rumors that he acquired his great wealth through nefarious means.  There were even rumors that he was into black magic.  The house would not be finished in his lifetime as the township hanged him for crimes that are not very clear or documented in historical notes.

The half built mansion stood vacant and unoccupied for a few years until another man of great wealth, Yale Gracey, purchased the land and restarted the construction on the great manse.

Yale was the son of a of a shipping magnet, Captain Gustav Gracey.  Gustav started his shipping empire when he was in his early 40's and seemed to come out of nowhere, quickly monopolizing the entire Rivers of America and what is now known as Lake Buena Vista trade lines.  Although he made his home in the deep south in the township of New Orleans Square on an old plantation home, much of his empire was on the east coast.  He rarely made trips out east and let his son, Yale, oversee the operation.  Gustav saw the opportunity of the half built house in Liberty Square and purchased it as an engagement present for Yale and his fiancĂ©, Elizabeth.

Gustav's competitors and enemies, which there were many, created what was believed to be a rumor that Gustav was actually the great, feared pirate, Captain Blood in his younger years.  The scheme was to discredit him and eventually lead to an argument between him and a drunken patron at a pub in New Orleans Square that ended with Gustav on the fatal end of a bullet.

Yale inherited his father's business and fortune.  Unlike Gustav, Yale was very much liked by the people who he did business with as well as the community of Liberty Square.  He reinvested in the township during the completion of what would be called Gracey Manor.  He put a good deal of money into local businesses such as the Liberty Street Tavern and the Momento Mori Funeral Parlor. In fact, Yale struck up a deal with the funeral parlor by opening up several acres of his property for the burial of outcasts, the unwanted and people of diabolic background.  It turned out to be a sort of  upgraded Potters Field for the bodies that no-one else would burry.

The mansion was completed in the heart of the Victorian times.  Along with the massive graveyard, it became the focal point of Liberty Square.  It was finished just in time for Yale to marry his fiancĂ©, Elizabeth.

The rest of the story is sketchy at best. and has many variations and turns.  One story goes that on the wedding night there was a horrible accident where Elizabeth accidentally suffocated when she locked herself in a crate in the attic playing hide and seek with Yale.  He immediately tail spined into a state of depressive madness and hung himself in the foyer.  Another story tells that Elizabeth was a black widow, con artist who had axe murdered a few other wealthy husbands with decapitation prior to meeting Yale.  Sadly, Yale became one of her victims.  Yet another story tells of the couple getting involved with a spiritualist, Madame Leota, who sucked Yale's fortune dry as Elizabeth's interest in the occult grew with Leota's influence.  There was some sort of poisoning that took place, ending Elizabeth and Yale's lives.  Leota was then decapitated by the ghost of Elizabeth.  In any case, all of these people did, historically exist and are buried on the property.

After the death of Yale Gracey the house had few occupants that stayed very long.  The funeral parlor that was next door bought the property, trying to expand their business with a far bigger building.  This lasted a few years, but closed down when they went under investigation of inappropriate business practices with the deceased.  It was also a mental institution for a very short period.  It seemed that the patients went even madder after time spent there.

The house has been vacant since the early 1900's.  It is owned by the township of Liberty Square and is protected as a historical landmark.  Although it is publicized that trespassing is greatly frowned upon, many interested tourists sneak their way onto the property doing their own ghost hunts.  Many come up with nothing, some have actually encountered paranormal activity and some have disappeared completely.  So there's all sorts of craziness coming out of the history of the house.

Tomorrow night I'll be doing my own investigation of Gracey Manor.  I can't friggin' wait!

That's why I'm hitting the bed and heading to snoresville.  More to come tomorrow for sure!


"November 1st, 2015. 9 PM.

I took and Uber to Liberty Square.  The driver didn't want to hang around after dropping me off in front of the grand house.  In fact he took off without charging me anything.

The first thing I noticed is how Gracey Mansion overlooks this township.  It's built on a hill and shadows over this small burg.  For being such an old and abandoned house, it seems pretty sturdy and well kept.  It's red bricked facade is neat and tidy, but is overshadowed by its size and imposing architecture.

There is no-one else here.  The smell is musty and wet, and the foliage creates odd shadows against the house's facade.  I feel that it is looking down on me, peering down and judging me.  It sizing me up and judging me the weaker.  Its plotting against me.

I'm creeping myself out and need to stay on the task at hand.  Jack gave me a skeleton key that opens a second grand entrance to the foyer located to the western side of the house.  I'll have to traverse through some of the graves and crypts to reach it.  Here goes nothing.


"November 1st, 2015.  9:15 PM
The walk up to the foyer entrance was interesting to say the least.  Many of the graves where ornate and reflected something about the past life of its occupant.  There was one in particular that got my attention.  It was sculpted into the shape of a grand organ.  As I passed by it, I swear I could hear organ music playing from within the crust itself.  My mind is playing games with me now.

Right before I reached the door, I noticed the grave of the spiritualist, Madame Leota, who, perhaps, is a big part of the history of the house.  Her faces painstakingly carved into the stone itself.  It so realistic that I think that I saw it blink at me.  The shadows are playing tricks at this time of night.  I shake it off and I'm building up courage to try the lock on the foyer door.


November 1st, 2015.  9:30 PM.
I'm in!  The lock worked and I'm in the foyer.  I'm excited, but at the same time troubled as I've run into my first big glitch.  The foyer door closed behind me due to the wind and I can't seem to get it back open.  I've been here in the dark for a few minutes with only my cell phone light helping me.  My service is out and I still intend to investigate the house.  The moonlight thought the few windows help me out.  I can make out the curtains and woodwork are still intact.  There is a framed picture of who I can only guess is Yale Gracey. He's portrayed as a handsome, yet sad and greatly aging gentleman in the portrait.  I'm going to wait a bit and see if I can get the doors open.


"November 1st, 2015.  10 PM.
Well, first of all, I can't get the door back open.  Second, nothing has happened.  Nothing Odd, nothing spooky and nothing paranormal.  Still no connections with my cell, the connection is still out.  The light works fine without using up too much battery power.  Perhaps the battery is being saved due to the odd cold that has suddenly entered the foyer.  Batteries work better in the cold correct?

I think I'll have to move things along.  If I can't get out this way, I'll just have to move forward and see where I can get to.  Since the night is somewhat of a flub, I think I'll see if I can't stir a little cation up by reading some of the Necronimicon out load.  I can't see much going that wrong since the night already seems to be a bit of a bust.


"November 1st, 2015.  10:10 PM
Things have started to get interesting!!  After reading a particular passage in the book, "Klaatu, barrada, nicto" a secret door opened up and led me into a hallway where paintings started to transform, busts of human heads glared at me, no matter which way I went and an old harpsichord started to play by itself.  Looks like things are coming alive here in the house.  I think I've had enough for the night though.  I think I'll look for a way out.


"November 1st, 2015.  10:40 PM.
Who the frell designed this house?  I've been franticly trying to find a way out as all this craziness is happening around me.  I ran down a hallway where every closed door had banging coming from it.  Even the wallpaper seems to be watching me.  I can hear some party music coming from the second story.  Maybe someone up there can help.


"November 1st 2015.  11 PM.
This just keeps getting more and more maddening!  Im on the second floor and I still can't find a way out.  And every time I try and find where the music is coming from, I come to a dead end.

That's not all.  I think I saw an apparition of a woman's head in a crystal ball.  It was sitting on a table in what looked like a seance room.  I only glimpsed it for a second, but It looked kind of familiar to me.  I can't place it right now because I can hear the music again and I'm going to head that way.


"November 1st, 2015.  11:47 PM.
My writings will never be able to fully articulate what my mortal eyes have just bore witness too.  I can tell you this, the dead do indeed walk among the living world.  They dance, they sing, they celebrate birthdays and they drunkenly swing on candelabras.  This place is crazy.  I'm going to head up a second set of stairs and try and hide and take refuge until the sun rises.


"November 2nd, 2015  12:30 AM.
I'm up in the attic and hiding behind some old victorian travel cases trying not to let her notice me.  She suddenly appears, floats about holding and axe, as though she's hunting for something or someone, then she disappears for a short time.  She's dressed in a wedding gown.  She hasn't noticed me yet.  There a window I think I might be able to squeeze out of and climb down some trees to the graveyard below.  I've gotta get out of here before I loose me mind.


"November 2nd, 2015.  12:45 AM.
The fall either sprained or book my foot.  I was never a great climber.  Im moving as quickly as I can with the limited mobility throughout the stones.  The yard is gated and I can't climb it.  There's more of them down here on the grounds.  The undead.  The spirits.  They flay about me.  Sing around me.  Laugh and tease me.  They want me to join them.  Every path I go there's a emaciated, translucent being blacking my way out.  They're everywhere.  I'm not getting out.  I'm to tired.  My foot hurts too much.  I'm to become one of them.


"Not sure what the date or time is....
Lost my sanity roll..........I'm number 1,000.


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