Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Dark Times Ahead?

We're well into the year of 2013 and things aren't going as swimmingly as one would hope.

The podcast that I blogged about in the last post is now defunct due to a sudden lack of technological accessibility as well as one of the talents calling it a day.  The winter here in the Northern Midwest will not let go of its chilling temperatures.  My bank account is taking a severe beating while I'm simply trying to survive while working a full time job.  Even though we have a progressive president in office, we still tend to get thrown over the coals by the very institutions that are supposed to assist those of us that actually want to work and make a decent living (I'm looking at you Banking, Health Care, Oil, Technology and Wall Street industries).

Last, but in certainly, no means least, I look in the general direction of the "fine folks" at Disney.  Those of us that are Star Wars fans took trust in you when you acquired the greatest franchise in all of fandom history.  We had an open mind that the Corporate D-Bag in you would not rear its ugly head when it was announced that J.J. Abrams would helm the next Star Wars film.

But, now we're not too sure about your intentions.  Within the last month, you've been making decisions that can be paralleled to the "hit" scenes from Goodfellas....

"Ka-Pop!" - Seth Green's Star Wars: Detours was completely shelved right after it was green-lit from Lucasfilm prior to Disney's purchase.  It would have been fun to see a Star Wars parody from the fine folks from Robot Chicken.  Now it's found dead in a pink car in an alley with a bullet hole to the head.

"Crush-Smack-Gerrrck!" - The heavily revered animated Clone Wars series is cancelled mid season during a crucial story-line involving one oft he main characters like it was just found, lifeless,  in a garbage truck.

"Thunk-Shunk-Brrrrrr" - Lucas Arts is shut down completely while 150 people find themselves without jobs.  One of the greatest video gaming companies is stuck on a hook in a meat freezer.

My original fears of the Disney takeover are starting to take root once again.  Disney has put itself in a position that is not beneficial to the Star Wars fans legions these last few months.

I get that they want to put all their efforts into the sequels, but unless they are equipped to bring out the Citizen Kane of all Sci-Fi / Fantasy films within the next three years, they have put the burden upon themselves to prove to us that they are sincere in their intentions for the quality of the Star Wars franchise, and not just after the almighty dollar.

We're all hoping that we're not going to be brought into a empty room with the very people we trusted putting a bullet to the back of our heads.

Only time will tell,  I guess.  But, in the meantime, the land of the almighty Princesses and the Mouse have a lot of explaining to do.

And, NO!  I don't feel like linking every frackin' reference this time. Google it!  I'm too frackin' grumpy.


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