Anyone of the two or three people who visit this blog know that I'm a Halloween addict. So I don't really have to tell you all that I'm already getting psyched for the season.
And the season is already rearing its wonderfully undead head around the corner as the Octoberfests hit the beer shelves and the Halloween costume and prop shops start popping up in malls and empty storefronts.
The days get shorter and the nights longer while trees start to spew out wonderful colors. Oddly the weather is still trying desperately to hold on to summer. That isn't a problem with me, but I do think we eventually need to get that chill in the air to summon the spirits and the dead so they can roam about during the most imaginatively driven holiday of them all!
My mindset has already put forth subliminal messages about how much I love the holiday. I had my first Halloween themed dream. Apparently I was living in this imagined apartment with my girlfriend (I'm a geek, I have no girlfriend and the apartment wasn't the one I live in now. It was one with lots of windows that looked over a park, a place that I've never come across in the woken world.) and we were getting ready for a Halloween party and dressing up in costumes. I was a zombie and she was a sexy vampire (I told you this was a dream). But, we kept getting interrupted by Trick or Treater's who kept ringing the doorbell as we were trying to leave for the party.
We had tons, upon tons, of candy for them, but didn't want to leave it at the front door after we left because we knew some nasty kids would just take the whole lot of it and leave nothing for the rest of the children. Finally we decided to put together a lifelike dummy of a zombie to place by the barrel full of candy to scare the kids into leaving enough for everybody. I woke up at this point.
Now when it comes to this "dream girlfriend" of mine, she wasn't any supermodel or anybody like Summer Glau or Shirley Manson or Olivia Munn or anybody like that. She wasn't even Katie Sackoff with a bubble bath scene.
She was a cute, short, brownish / blond haired, girl next door type who is completely unrecognizable to my awake self. So I have no idea where, subconsciously, she morphed from. Wishful thinking perhaps?
Well, that isn't the only Halloween themed dream that I had a part in. Apparently a co-worker (who I'll refer to a Rufus) had a dream where I appeared. We were at work and I was playing electric guitar really, really well ( I can't play a note to save my butt! I even suck at Rock Band!). I responded to him as such, "Well when you're a vampire, like myself, you have a lot of time on your hands at night and have to have something to do." (outside of all the blood drinking I guess).
Rufus knows too much and will have to be extinguished relatively soon. If there is anyone out there who is looking for work in an inventory department that has no problems working with people in the adjacent department being members of the undead, my workplace may have an opening soon.
Ok, so this Halloween season I can't really promise any reviews on local Haunts since I believe a lot of my co-horts are getting older and fed up with me dragging their asses to Haunted Attractions, but I will use my vampire charm to get somebody to go with me and do a review or two. One thing I do have is a lot of horror movies in my online movie club queue. I'll be doing a few reviews on them and will have some other things lined up to give you the shivers and shakes. I've already brought in the Halloween them into the blog for all of you. So, please enjoy.....
Here come the dead, kids. You better be ready.
Bru-ahahahahahahahahahahaha. (Thunder / Lightening).
Long live the dead!
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