Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Into the Autumnal Dark Magic We Go....

Well, folks, we can now honestly say that it is officially Halloween season! This past weekend my bro-in-law and I worked on his front yard decorations.

On Friday night we had to replenish his gravestone and "Grave Buster" supply due to the fact that he kept them up in the rafters of his garage during the off season and a mother squirrel decided that the box would be a great place to build a nest for her babies.

The squirrel family has moved on but left behind chewed apart fake corpses that appear to come out of the ground (Grave Busters) and torn apart Styrofoam grave stones.

One prop that we really needed to find was a fake black raven that sits atop one of the gravestones. This was missing from the chewed up box and we were wondering if the squirrel had eaten the whole thing or taken it with her. Crazy b*&%h squirrel!

So, on our travels on Friday night we scored some headstones and a grave buster at Walgreens. We then found some cool decorations at Target including a skeleton who's head, arms and legs pop out of the ground.

Our last stop would be the big, inflatable Jack-O-Lantern that houses a big Halloween Express store located in the parking lot of our state fair park. But once we got there we were met with a great shock. The giant inflatable pumpkin was gone!! The gates that would surround it were there, the rotating doors to get into it were there, but the big inflatable pumpkin store itself was gone.

The night before there had been some pretty strong winds and, as we learned later on, they tore down the store. This isn't the first time it has deflated. Some pranksters forced a hole in it one year and the next year another storm brought it to the ground.

We still had not found the raven. So we drove across town to another Halloween Express store and wandered through the place. Still no raven to be seen.

Luckily, yesterday my bro-in-law found a fake raven at a party store that has a lot of Halloween decorations.

So today we put together the little fake graveyard in his front yard. He also has some assorted pumpkin and ghost lights and a light up Halloween themed gateway leading up to the front porch. His house is all set.

I'll have to put my apartment into Halloween mode this week. I have gobs of stuff that I didn't use last year that will have to rise from the grave this season.

In other Halloween news, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark has returned to TV in Elvira's Movie Macabre, a grand throwback to her original late night horror movie show from the '80's. The debut episode was Romero's Night of the Living Dead. You can't go wrong with Elvira and Zombies!

When I was a young lad I had a door sized poster of her taped to my bedroom door. It didn't need much tape to stick to that door, ifayknowwhatI'msayin'............(Eeewwwww).

I know, I know. It's a sick and sad, old joke, but I couldn't resist. Isn't Halloween supposed to be about things that give you the creeps.

A quick reminder to start locking your doors and boarding up your windows. For the season of the undead, ghouls and creepy crawlies has arrived!!!!

Before I leave I'd like to leave you with an example of some way cool Haunted Attraction props for this Halloween season.

Click HERE for a video of a Haunted Attraction convention. I want the gravestone that turns into an angel of death. It would take up my whole apartment and cost my entire savings, but I think I can swing it. Enjoy.

Until next time Stay Vertical!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Halloween Dreamin'

Anyone of the two or three people who visit this blog know that I'm a Halloween addict. So I don't really have to tell you all that I'm already getting psyched for the season.

And the season is already rearing its wonderfully undead head around the corner as the Octoberfests hit the beer shelves and the Halloween costume and prop shops start popping up in malls and empty storefronts.

The days get shorter and the nights longer while trees start to spew out wonderful colors. Oddly the weather is still trying desperately to hold on to summer. That isn't a problem with me, but I do think we eventually need to get that chill in the air to summon the spirits and the dead so they can roam about during the most imaginatively driven holiday of them all!

My mindset has already put forth subliminal messages about how much I love the holiday. I had my first Halloween themed dream.
Apparently I was living in this imagined apartment with my girlfriend (I'm a geek, I have no girlfriend and the apartment wasn't the one I live in now. It was one with lots of windows that looked over a park, a place that I've never come across in the woken world.) and we were getting ready for a Halloween party and dressing up in costumes. I was a zombie and she was a sexy vampire (I told you this was a dream). But, we kept getting interrupted by Trick or Treater's who kept ringing the doorbell as we were trying to leave for the party.

We had tons, upon tons, of candy for them, but didn't want to leave it at the front door after we left because we knew some nasty kids would just take the whole lot of it and leave nothing for the rest of the children.
Finally we decided to put together a lifelike dummy of a zombie to place by the barrel full of candy to scare the kids into leaving enough for everybody. I woke up at this point.

Now when it comes to this "dream girlfriend" of mine, she wasn't any supermodel or anybody like Summer Glau or Shirley Manson or Olivia Munn or anybody like that. She wasn't even Katie Sackoff with a bubble bath scene.

She was a cute, short, brownish / blond haired, girl next door type who is completely unrecognizable to my awake self. So I have no idea where, subconsciously, she morphed from. Wishful thinking perhaps?

Well, that isn't the only Halloween themed dream that I had a part in. Apparently a co-worker (who I'll refer to a Rufus) had a dream where I appeared. We were at work and I was playing electric guitar really, really well ( I can't play a note to save my butt! I even suck at Rock Band!).
I responded to him as such, "Well when you're a vampire, like myself, you have a lot of time on your hands at night and have to have something to do." (outside of all the blood drinking I guess).

Rufus knows too much and will have to be extinguished relatively soon. If there is anyone out there who is looking for work in an inventory department that has no problems working with people in the adjacent department being members of the undead, my workplace may have an opening soon.

Ok, so this Halloween season I can't really promise any reviews on local Haunts since I believe a lot of my co-horts are getting older and fed up with me dragging their asses to Haunted Attractions, but I will use my vampire charm to get somebody to go with me and do a review or two. One thing I do have is a lot of horror movies in my online movie club queue. I'll be doing a few reviews on them and will have some other things lined up to give you the shivers and shakes. I've already brought in the Halloween them into the blog for all of you. So, please enjoy.....

Here come the dead, kids. You better be ready.

Bru-ahahahahahahahahahahaha. (Thunder / Lightening).

Long live the dead!


Friday, September 03, 2010

RED or DEAD, The Marston Family Name has been REDEEMED.

The old Wild West of America was going through a real odd transition stage around 1911. Slowly but surely the Victorian lifestyle was giving way to the age of industry. Covered wagons were being threatened to be replaced with automobiles. Trains were a far quicker and more comfortable method of transportation when compared to horseback. Technology was slowly starting to peek around the corner, but it had yet to completely wipe out the old west, cowboy hero archetype.

It is in this setting that Rockstar North, creators of the Grand Theft Auto series of games, decided the place their latest open world action video game, Red Dead Redemption.

The epic Western tale is set around a cowboy named John Marston. We start the game with John in a bit of a situation. John's outlaw past has caught up with him. We first see him being escorted by two federal agents (Pinkertons, perhaps?) to the Southwestern town of Armadillo (in a state which could quite possibly be California or Texas). The federals want Marston to hunt down his ex gang members and as a reward, the Feds will let go of his wife and son who they are holding captive. It's been quite a long time since John has seen anybody from that old gang. He's left those days behind and is trying to make good with his life by living off of the land as a rancher. But, now he seems to be thrown back into the world of violence and danger. It's up to you, as the player, to decide if he follows the path of the righteous or falls back down into the world of the outlaw.

And that's how Rockstar North starts you out and this epic, grand adventure. With "Redemption"being an open sandbox game, much like it's more than comparative gameplay siblings in the GTA series, the "do anything you want, go anywhere you please" philosophy is wonderfully enforced. They give you a big ol' wild west world to ride around in and explore. There's tons of characters to interact with. Some are quite lecherous and seedy, others are good and decent people, while some are just plain odd and downright creepy. Many of them will put you on quests and ask you to help them out on jobs. Performing these tasks will earn you money, fame and notoriety.

The settings and graphic design work on this game is breathtaking. I found myself gazing up at the sunset that silhouetted mountain range more than a few times. I also came across many small towns that dot the old west. From the classic township of Armadillo to the white walled Mexican town of Las Hermanas to the spooky and swampy Thieves Landing. Every town has it's own character which helps give this open world setting a good amount of variety which can get lost a bit when you and your horse are traversing the constant open plains. Rockstar North does make sure to pepper the plains with lots of wildlife to hunt and / or run away from. There's also snowy, wooded mountainsides to venture into. I also had Marston exploring old gold mines, outlaw hideouts, graveyards and a couple of old forts. Suffice it to say, there's a ton of stuff to do and see in this game!

There's also a good amount of weapons and tools to use to make your stay in the wild west a little more safe. A lasso, rifles, shotguns, throwing knifes, Molotov cocktails all fall into the mix and come in handy when a gang of thieves pop out of nowhere to try and take your money.

The combat system is much like its GTA counterparts where you're able to take cover behind objects while popping up to take shots. What makes it unique is the Dead Eye feature which slows down the gameplay and zooms into the action allowing you to bead in on multiple enemies at once. Once the Dead Eye feature is released (or runs out, since it can only be used for limited time) Marston unleashes bullet furry in a flash of time. The next thing you know, a bunch of bad guy bodies are hitting the dirt ground. Some players found this feature made the shootouts too easy to get through. I found it very addictive. But, it is true that you won't always want to rely on the Dead Eye alone. I mostly used it when I found myself outnumbered or on horseback.

The main feature about this game that helps it stand out amongst others is that you get lost in the epic storyline. You'll want to see this adventure through to the very end, not just because of the gameplay, but because the game designers make you care about the story through the wonderful characterization and voice acting work. The voice acting is the very best I've heard in a game, squeaking past the work done on Mass Effect 2 by a hair. This is the closest I've every come to feeling I was actually playing a full fledged Hollywood movie. It's that frackin' good!

SPOILER ALERT (Highlight to read if you haven't finished the game yet)

There's also a huge plot twist right towards the end of the game that will stop you in your tracks! It'll have you screaming at the TV screen, "But that CAN'T be the end!?!?! They can't close the story this way!!!!" Don't worry. They don't. The story picks up several years after the plot twist and now you're in another pair of boots out for justice, or revenge. However you want to look at it. I can't recall that kind of element ever used in the story of a video game before.

You're probably hearing a lot about how this is THE best game of the year. I have to admit, it is certainly up there. However there were a couple of times where I was ready to toss the controller into the TV screen. The control scheme of the game can be quite dodgy at times. More than once I found myself trying to reach for my gun in a dire situation and the controls refused to respond, leaving my cheese in the wind and Marston's ass on the dirty ground. Not cool. Horseback riding is pretty darn smooth for the most part however you horse is a dumb animal and will fall off cliffs taking you with it if you're not careful. I also found myself getting Marston caught against surfaces I was trying to keep him under cover on. Sometimes I couldn't pull away from the surface I was hiding behind. I feel the controls could have been quite a bit better, especially when Rockstar North put so much time and effort into this epically detailed story they were telling. Some people are complaining that this game is no more than Grand Theft Auto game set in the wild west. That may be so, but there's nothing wrong with that! GTA has more than proved itself as being an excellent gameplay experience. Heck, maybe for their next game they can do something similar in a medieval setting, or perhaps a Gothic horror setting.

Once I completed the game and the credits finally rolled, I sat there a while and found myself thinking about what I had just experienced. I rarely, if ever, do that after I play a game. That's what kind of an impact this game had on me. There are those art-house curmudgeons out there who say that video games will never surpass the art of film. Well, Rockstar North took a few strides closer to that reality with Red Dead Redemption.

Check it out if you have the time.

Until the next mindless post, as a wise man once told me, stay vertical!
