Here it is, X-Mas Eve day, and there's just one thing that is on my mind right now...."JEEBUS is that Iron Man 2 trailer looking pretty darned awesome!!!" If they give the care and love of the character and comic that they infused into the first movie into the second, then all will be alright with the world.
I know. Commenting about the new Iron Man trailer seems a bit shallow when we should all be focusing on Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men, yada, yada, yada and whateverthehellother X-Mas pleasantries you want to toss in there. They seem ironic when put up against the modern day backdrop of stores and streets filled with obnoxious people all knocking each other down and running each other off of the roads to get there hands on a gift for the already spoiled little Johnny-Brat-Face.
Are you waiting for the X-Mas spirit to manifest itself on this post yet? Keep reading...
I know I've joked on this blog before about presents being the major deal of X-Mas just to stir the pot a bit. But, for me the real deal of the holidays is being with family and friends! That's all there is to it for me. And that alone is a big, major, hairy deal to me.
I take this time to celebrate in a personal manor how important friends and family are to me. Out there in the shallow, yuppie world of normalcy, geeks like myself are thrown to wolves. If it weren't for the acceptance of my closest friends and the support of my family, I'd be in over my head trying to fit into a world where the themes of the fantastic are constantly under conservative scrutiny.
The acceptance and support I get from them are the best X-Mas gifts I can ask for. The best thing is that I don't have to ask for them. They are given unconditionally.
The next couple of days will be about family, friends, good company, great food, good drink, and both giving and receiving some presents as well as time away from the hectic work schedule.
Here's hoping that the rest of you all get to have the same things this holiday season!
That's about as festive as it's going to get in my Blog of Geekdom. So on to more geeky things....
I've almost come to the very end of Borderlands for the Xbox 360. I'll have a full review once I'm done, but so far thumbs up! After that I'll go back to completing the additional content from Fallout 3. Hopefully I'll find a new game in my X-Mas stocking tonight so I have something after Fallout 3. If not, a little X-Mas money may have to go toward either Sacred 2 or Dragonage: Origins. We'll see.
As far as television viewing, I'm catching up on the two season HBO epic, ROME on DVD. I'm pretty hooked as they spare no expense in showing how brutal it was during the rise of the Roman empire.
That's about all there is for this X-Mas Eve day post of my Blog of Geekdom. So I'll end it on this holiday wish to you and yours...
May the fat man get you some groovy swag this holiday season!
Merry X-Mas!
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