"From ghoulies and ghosties And long-leggedy beasties And things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!"
- Taken from a Traditional Scottish Prayer
I left my bedroom window open a crack last night to freshen up the room a bit. I awoke to a chill slowly funneling through the window opening. This wasn't the usual bitter morning cold that can pinch us on a late autumn day. This was a forewarning. This was communication.
This was Them telling me, "We're here! This is our day! Not yours!"
I looked out my window to see the early morning dark clouds move along the sky as if they had a life of their own. The wind howled between the buildings down my avenue. The leaves flew in circular motions up and off of the ground.
This very day and night truly does belong to Them.
And who are these "Them"? For they are dead things, creepy things, rotting things, things with scales, things with fangs, things that moan, growl and snarl from the shadows. They are disembodied whispers coming from the corners of a dark room. They are the things you can't see, but know are close by.
For the last several weeks the doorway between the worlds of the living and the dead has slowly been creaking open and today is the doors are torn off of their hinges with spirits and creatures from the netherworld running freely amongst the living.
Take heed! Quickly carve that Jack-O-Lantern and put it in the window to ward them off. Or you can dress up as one of them to blend in with the dead.
It will be the witching hour, midnight tonight, when they will be called back to the world of the unknown and the door will be sealed for another year and we living humans will have safety from the dead.

As a special Halloween treat, for those of you who maybe didn't get a chance to visit local Haunted Attractions this year, here are some YouTube links to videos on some of the nation's best Haunted Houses! Each of them are 5 to 8 minutes each, so you have a good hour to peruse some pretty impressive haunts! Enjoy.....
That's about it for me today. Please have a very safe and downright spooky Halloween!