There are certain points in history that have remarkable power that last well into the future of mankind.
One such moment took place this weekend at an event that many of us geeks refer to as a incarnation of Geek Valhalla. DragonCon ran from this past Wednesday night through Monday evening in Atlanta, Georgia.
To call it a Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror or pop culture convention would not be doing it justice. To say the least it is a grand explosion of the imaginatively blessed who converge on the city of Atlanta and let their geek flag fly high and mighty! It is a cornucopia of fantastical delights!!! Not only do the fans of the genres gather to become one there, many of the celebs, actors and actresses of the genre TV shows and movies also take part in panel discussions and meet and greets while rubbing elbows with the fans.
One such panel discussion was an event that will live in wonderment for time to come. I'm am speaking of the William Shatner / Leonard Nimoy panel discussion that took place.
Sadly, there was no possible way either financially or logistically that I could attend (and besides, there's no way I was going to miss Robahin). And I'm pretty sure thousands of other geeks were in my same situation this weekend.
That is why I was thrilled when I was cruising YouTube yesterday and came across the Shatner / Nimoy panel discussion that a very wonderful person called WhatJaneSays posted for those of us that missed out on the event of a lifetime.
I highly suggest that if you have about an hour, you'll want to check out the links of the panel discussion below. It is not only very humorous, you're also given a glimpse of Shatner and Nimoy's friendship and how well they bounce things off one another. It's pretty hilarious! So if you need some cheering up (and I know a few people who do right now!) have a gander at these......
William Shatner & Leonard Nimoy Panel Discussion at DragonCon 2009
Brought to you by WhatJaneSays @ YouTube.
In a DragonCon side note, I'm hoping to get a report out of my buddy Bruce who got to attend this weekend. Hopefully he'll have some pretty cool stories that I will post here soon. We'll have to give him time to settle down a bit upon his return home. DragonCon is a 24 hour, 5 day party for geeks and I'm sure it took a bit of the piss out of him.
On another subject, we celebrated the birthday of my good friend Roberto with the annual Robhain festivities (see last post) were we always joke that someone will eventually end up in the hospital. Again it involved construction and destruction contests as well as trivia contests. And there was the ever plentiful amount of wondrous food and beverages. A good time was had by all.... until someone actually did have to go to the hospital. It's nothing that will involve any litigation concerning Robhain, however, I would ask all readers of the blog (2.5 of you) to send good vibes out my friend Iris' way. It is much appreciated.
I'm heading out to run some errands before I return to work tomorrow. So take care and remember those good vibes!
Brought to you by WhatJaneSays @ YouTube.
In a DragonCon side note, I'm hoping to get a report out of my buddy Bruce who got to attend this weekend. Hopefully he'll have some pretty cool stories that I will post here soon. We'll have to give him time to settle down a bit upon his return home. DragonCon is a 24 hour, 5 day party for geeks and I'm sure it took a bit of the piss out of him.
On another subject, we celebrated the birthday of my good friend Roberto with the annual Robhain festivities (see last post) were we always joke that someone will eventually end up in the hospital. Again it involved construction and destruction contests as well as trivia contests. And there was the ever plentiful amount of wondrous food and beverages. A good time was had by all.... until someone actually did have to go to the hospital. It's nothing that will involve any litigation concerning Robhain, however, I would ask all readers of the blog (2.5 of you) to send good vibes out my friend Iris' way. It is much appreciated.
I'm heading out to run some errands before I return to work tomorrow. So take care and remember those good vibes!
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