Out of the gate 2009 is starting off to be a real poop-storm of a year! After learning of a very close friend's personal tragedy that really tore at the heartstrings, the local area is hit with loads of snow and then a nasty arctic blast of cold wind. So I haven't been into the bloggin' mode as of late. Please forgive me.
I'm just glad the weekend has arrived and I have a nice dark frosty beverage in hand.
Not a lot to wax poetic on right now. I have some movie reviews coming, but am not in the mood to do them right now.
I am currently reading a pretty good fantasy novel. It's called "the first law: book one, The Blade Itself" It's not your normal fantasy novel. It focuses on the characters and how they go about screwing each other over. It's almost a case study on the darker side of how we treat each other. I'm just starting it and I'm finding that the characterization is really, really compelling. If you're a fantasy fan, you may want to check this one out as it's not really the normal fantasy type book.
Hey! We lost Kahn and The Prisoner this week. Sad times for us geeks.
Recently I joined a certain on-line networking service. I have mixed feelings about it so far. It's very interesting to hear from old friends you want to catch up with. It's a whole other thing to be contacted by people you knew when you were younger that didn't give you the time of day back then. But, I'm being a good samaritan and letting bygones be bygones and just enjoying the fact that they actually know that I still exist.
Myself and my good freind Roberto will be attending a bachelor party tomorrow evening. The theme of it will be "Wear your ugliest sweater". I had to borrow mine from one of my sister's friends. It is very Cosby-esque. The evening will start at a steak house where you can cook your own streaks (I'll burn the place down with my lack of grilling knowledge. Roberto, please help!). Then we head downtown to a sing along piano bar. Sorry, no boobies. Sigh.
That's it for now. I promise to be more inspired next time I blog.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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