There are twelve inches of cold, white death on the ground jam packed and encased in my hometown right now. The first really big snow storm of the season has fallen, and it will be followed by two more this same weekend! This is just the beginning. We have at least 5 more months of these kind of Mother Nature blessings to look forward to.
On my way up one, busy, city street on my way home from work I saw a slew of parking police jeeps, up and down the avenue, with their meter maid's ticketing any car that are parked, or stuck, on the curb. Merry X-Mas! Those that weren't being ticketed were being towed away into overly expensive oblivion.
I wish I had the money, brains and gumption to be able to pack up and head out to someplace with a warmer climate. Austin? Atlanta? Phoenix? Great cities in better climates, all of them. Sadly, they are void of the "Three F's" that keep me here in Milwaukee. Family. Friends. Fall. (The season. Not plummeting to the ground).
I know what's going through your heads right now, "But, Zangz, the Holidays are right around the corner. Surely that's worth a little anticipation and happiness?"
And I answer, "Nope. Though X-Mas is next week, these times before and after it are filled with turmoil and stress for your grand, geek hero... Zangz."
I'm not going into detail, but I can easily say that this is the 3rd worst X-Mas I've ever had. The first one was when my grandmother died of intestinal cancer one week before X-Mas. The second one was when I found myself unemployed right after Thanksgiving due to the usual culprit of corporate greed/ineptitude.
I'm not going to get deeply into why this is the 3rd worst X-Mas I've ever had, but stress has a frack of a lot to do with it!. And I've learned a few hard lessons this season. 1) There's no way you can please everybody all of the time, so stop trying to! 2) Realize that God made Zangz VERY, VERY, flawed and cursed. So much so that Zangz needs to double check, triple check, and quadruple check everything he does. Even if time doesn't permit it. 3) God hates Zangz!
This X-Mas I'm in a perpetual state of self loathing and pure, unadulterated stress. And today's events didn't help matters at all. In fact they tossed them into an abyss of pure nastiness. "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men" my behind!!!!
I hear you. "But, Zangz, aren't there any blessing that have come during this season? Aren't there any signs of hope?"
Actually there are two and their names are Emma and Melody. My best bud, Goof and his wife, Gayle, welcomed their twin daughters into the world this week. Kudos for them! Now the kids' older brother, Harrison, will have a handful to deal with. Hopefully that can be remedied with Goof buying Harrison boat loads of action figures as he grows older.
In other stuff.....
I finished off the first season of Pushing Daisies. The first couple of episodes had me hooked, but, sadly, I kind of got bored with it after a while. There's only so much of cutiness I can take. The show follows a pie maker who has the ability to raise the dead for only a short period of time. If they are resurrected more that a minute, something/someone else has to die in their place. He helps a local private eye solve crimes. If Tim Burton and Dr. Seuss got together to develop a crime thriller, this is what they would come up with. It's fun and different, but after a couple of episodes it gets kind of old. The characters are endearing (especially Olive. yummm). But, it's the same thing over and over and over again. I've heard that it has been cancelled already after a season and a half. Kinda sad, but understandable.
I've taken a break from Fallout 3 to finally play Halo 3. I've borrowed it from my very good friend, Roberto Del Amorte, and am finding it quite action packed and challenging with lots of great visuals to boot.
I've got nothin' else to blab on about today. So, if I don't pop up another post before X-Mas, I truly want all of you to have a far better holiday than I'm currently having.
And if you're wondering why I refer to Christmas as X-Mas... If you read my blog and have bad eyesight it looks like I'm talking about the X-Men rather than X-Mas. And the X-Men are far cooler than X-Mas, aren't they?
Until next time, as a very wise man once said, stay vertical!
Zangz is outta da hizzouzz.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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