I tried. I really did! I tried really, really hard. I did everything in my power to curb my enthusiasm for the coming of The Season of the Dead, HALLOWEEN!!! I told myself I was not going to imbibe any Octoberfest beers, buy any Halloween costumes or surf the net for any Haunted attractions any later than the 1st of October. Fer crissakes, I have to grow up sometime! (Probably, maybe not!)
Well, this week that whole theory went straight to hell in a hand basket! I sit here on a Friday night sipping away at an Octoberfest while looking over at a Halloween costume I purchased for A$50. $50 for a friggin' Halloween costume? WTF? Heck, I've already been invited to one Halloween party. For $50 bucks I better put a little effort into it! What can I do? The leaves are slowly changing color, the moon is bright and foreboding, the sunrises are a magnificent bright orange, it has that slightly spook filled chill in the evenings, the sunsets are a wonderfully cryptic purple, leaves are taking their time hitting the ground, decorations are already in the stores and good ol' Zangz is in full Halloween mode already.
It happens every year, earlier and earlier. What can I say? I'm weak... and proud of it. Very soon the ghosts, goblins and spooks will be walking the streets among the living, and I'll be loving every minute of it!!! Of course this blog will be filled with lots of Halloween fun and frolic for the next month or so. So check back regularly to what's going on in Spookville! Hopefully I can rouse some friends to join me in Halloween hi jinx and some Haunted Attraction fun! Any takers? Let me know!
In other geek-lovin' news.... I've put GTA 4 aside and have gone back to Oblivion. I've actually found a few areas that I have yet to explore. I still haven't finished the main quest for the add on The Shimmering Isles, but I plan to before Fallout 3 hits store shelves! In other geek filled endeavors, Sunday I'm going over to Mad Mario and Hope's new base of operations in South Milwaukee. I do miss them living very close to me on the East Side, but I think more gaming room will be quite welcome as we will be in full Call of Cthulhu mode (yep, yep, I know. I haven't run my own game in years. But Mad Mario doesn't have to deal with characters who are god like in percentage points - admittedly, my own fault as a lame game master- that are now hard to write for.) I still have pretty cool idea for a another scenario of my own with my own group, but making it challenging is quite hard to figure out. I'll let you now how it all goes.
This one's another "short and sweet" post as I have to get up early and put $500 into my car to get an exhaust problem resolved (god mocks me, I tell you!). So we go into onward and forward mode here in my Blog of Geekdom and I'll post real soon.
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