Only a month and a half until Halloween season begins!!! Can you believe it! I know I shouldn't be prompting Mother Nature to summon up the cold weather of Old Man Winter so soon, but I'm already getting a serious jones on for autumn to show up.
I've already got my whole Halloween horror movies picked out from September through October in my on-line movie rental club's queue. In addition to that, I'm slowly but surely downloading Haunted Attraction videos at YouTube.
I don't know what the Halloween plans are for this year. We usually make it up as we go along, but hopefully there will be more than a few Haunted Attractions to visit and perhaps a party to go to. Who knows, I'm just hoping I get my annual fix of creeposity this year.
I finished yet another one of James Patterson's Alex Cross mystery thrillers. This time it was "Mary Mary" where starlets and women who are high powered Hollywood executives are being brutally murdered throughout L.A. It was nice to see Cross out of the political intrigue he was involved in with the last book and back into psycho hunting of his good old days. I'm hoping that further books will also bring him back to his pathologist talents rather than hunting down terrorists. Terrorists being the villains in books is getting to be too frackin' common place these days.
My gaming group has been on hiatus the entire summer while game master, Mad Mario and his wife, Hope, work on their new digs. And of course I've been lacking in running my own Call of Cthulhu (CoC) game which has my group grumping and complaining a lot. It's deservedly so since I haven't run a game in 2 years. It's hard to put together a mystery/adventure for characters that have become practically immortal with boatloads of percentage points. Well, maybe something for the Halloween season.... perhaps.
Speaking of Cthulhu gaming, Roberto Del Amorte is threatening to run a game of Arkham Horror. It's a very involved board game that supposedly takes 2 hours to set up and a few more to play. Like CoC, it is based in the world of horror author H.P. Lovecraft. I've always wanted to play this game since Roberto got it (a couple of years ago). We'll have to see what transpires tomorrow.
And still speaking of Cthulhu, apparently an independent film company is going to be releasing a modern day telling of Call of Cthulhu. Quicktime users can check out the trailer HERE. I'm not sure what to think just yet. It looks kinda scary but lacks in creepiness. Wait and see!
And still speaking of Cthulhu, I'd like to put together one of my podcasts on the subject for a Halloween episode. I still have to squeeze one in on GTA4 first. Right now my plate is full.
Lucky for you all, I don't have a lot to drone on about today. So enjoy you weekend and stay vertical!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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