The weekend is here, so lets get right into it!
There's some really great news about the Star Wars influenced comedy movie, Fanboys. It looks like greed machine has relented and we're going to get to see the movie as it was originally intended to be seen, as a fun filled, touching comedy, not the American Pie, schlock filled T&A movie the Weinstein Company were going to turn it into.
So there won't be any self-love pie scenes. But, there ain't nothin' wrong with Kristen Bell in a Slave Leia outfit.
You can read the announcement right HERE!
I recently finished Alice Cooper's autobiography, "Golf Monster" which I tore through pretty quickly. If you're a big Alice Cooper fan, it's a damn good read. If you're an Alice Cooper fan who loves golf, you'll REALLY enjoy this book.
Since I find watching, let alone playing, golf about as much fun as watching paint dry, I'd say it's a damn good read!
Now I'm onto yet another James Patterson Alex Cross mystery novel, "Mary Mary". I'm blowing through these Cross novels like nobody's business lately. This is my third of the summer.
Here are some more movies I've checked out!
HELLBOY II: The Golden Army - Of course I made that font big and red! Just like the main hero of this movie.... ya putz. Myself, Roberto and his lovely wife, Iris, got together after work yesterday and went out for dinner and a movie. After stuffing ourselves full of dips, salads and an enormous meatloaf dinner, we waddled our way to the movie theater to view a visual cornucopia of full-on geekosity! This movie has everything a fantasy lover could dream of. A secret underworld inhabited by ancient mythical beings, settings and sights that quench the optical thirst of anyone who has a love for the fantastic and loads of well choreographed action sequences are all represented here! There's even a couple of love stories that are being told. One may tare at your heart strings a bit towards the end. The movie got three thumbs up from all of us...... (though, Iris did have some time-out sessions while she tested her digestive fortitude from the aforementioned dinner). But what she did see, she liked. Though I can't say I liked it every bit as much as the first Hellboy movie (that one dealt with more of a Horror story, this one's all about Fantasy), I still hope they don't wait another 4 years to make the 3rd flick. Director Guillermo del Torro has a lot on his plate with the Hobbit films coming up. So he better get Pearlman back in the big red suite ASAP. If you have a soul and a love for the fantastic, like me... SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!
(view trailer here)
Casshern - This puppy could have been one of my all time favorite movies! It could have! This Japanese film, shot much in the style that is a mix of anime and something like the film Sky Capitan and the World of Tomorrow, had all the makings of a flick I'd totally jones over. Excellent and fantastical art direction and some great action sequences with a cool super-hero/savior to boot. However, this movie lost me due to one big draw back. The plot crawled slower than a hick farmer driving his tractor down the country interstate while you're stuck behind him in a "no passing" lane. Rat-Bastage!!! Anyway, this movie is riddled with far more dramatic dialog and longing glances scenes than the few action sequences that are done so well. On top of that the dialog is of course in subtitles which completely pulled me away from the grander of the visuals. Ya know, sometimes an English voice over doesn't hurt. It had loads of potential, but I'll have to pass on purchasing this one. One viewing was enough.
(view trailer here)
MirrorMask - Put the minds of the Jim Henson Company along with famed fantasy writers, Neil Gaiman andDave McKean and you're sure to come up with something pretty interesting. And that's just what they do with this fun little artsy fantasy tale. Here's another movie that visually brings you into a completely bizzar fantasy world. Except this world has kind of an art-house feel to it. The plot and story are very parallel to that of The Wizard of Oz. A young girl who is a juggler for a failing circus finds herself traveling to a world that mirrors the artwork she draws on the walls of her room. I had a good time with this movie and if your a fan of Neil Gaimen's work or your looking for something that's far more artsy fartsy than the standard fantasy/fairy tale movie, it's worth the rental.
(view trailer here)
And that about does it for this entry. I'm off to watch Mimic. A favorite I haven't seen in a long time and one of Guillermo del Torro's first movies he's brilliantly directed. Perhaps some video games and a cigar later.
Until next time, as a wise man once said to me, Stay Vertical!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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