I've been pretty busy the last few weeks. I've hardly had time to catch up on GTA4, fer crissakes. This weekend, my friends and I have been trying to avoid the crazy weather system that has been deluging us with boatloads of rain. But, I'd rather have rain than snow, even if the rain has caused flooding throughout local counties. We spent about 45 minutes and $50 at a local fair before the dark foreboding clouds moved over the fair. Creepy carnies be damned! We headed to a local mall where we went to a restaurant and swilled beer and ate a phenomenal meal! Though, it's another corporate chain, I highly suggest the meat loaf dish at your local Claimjumpers eatery. Holy moses it's tasty!
I'm still working my way through many of the books I've been reading. Right now I'm almost done with the Alex Cross book, "The Big Bad Wolf", and will be starting up with the next book in chronological order "London Bridges". I'll eventually get to the myriad of other books I've been stashing away for future reading.
Didja hear? Didja Hear? Awesomely sexy alterno-goth goddess, Shirley Manson, from the band Garbage, has joined the cast of the Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles TV series!!!!!! She'll play the head of a high tech computer company. Could she be the leader of SkyNet? I loves me some Shirley Manson and I loves me some Sarah Conner Chronicles (even though I'm not a Terminator fan boy). So I'll be lovin' me some Monday night TV this coming fall!!!
That's all I have for now. We'll talk later.
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