Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Friday, June 27, 2008

"I like my coffe black, just like my METAL!"

I know it's been a shat-load of time since I last wasted your valuable time by blogging, but work has ramped up its production which is a good problem to have in today's economy. But it's also quite grueling on the stress factor as well as the mental well being as I'm finding.

Have you ever thought you've done a stellar job on something only to find out later that you may have fracked it up? That's the kind of week I've had. God hates me!

I'm also quite saddened by the passings of both make up/special effects artist Stan Winston as well as comedic god, George Carlin. He got arrested in my home town over 30 some odd years ago for doing his routine, Seven Dirty Words. Hopefully they're both up in heaven scaring the frell out of the lord (since the bastage hates me so much!).

Don't fret for this geek, though. I've found a few ways to relax and attempt to purge out the nasty work-a-day stress factor.

Reading outside after work, sitting in my parking lot that overlooks Lake Michigan. A nice smooth cigar in one hand and a good read in the other can smooth out the stress nodes like you wouldn't believe. I finished off two books in under a month and a half (a record for the dullard that is I). Of course my humidor is slightly more empty, but well worth the herfs!

I blew through both of the Alex Cross mysteries that I was reading. "Big Bad Wolf" was quite good as Cross goes after one of the highest ranking members of the Russian mob, The Wolf, who's wrapped up in a sex slave/kidnapping plot to satisfy the needs of wealthy perverts. Then I went to the direct sequel, "London Bridges" where The Wolf goes from being a leader of the Russian mob to being a Bond villain-esque terrorist. A bit of a stretch for a villain between direct sequel novels, but what the frell? The Alex Cross series are such interesting reads that you gotta give author James Patterson some slack when it comes to suspension of disbelief. Just take it in and let it roll!

Now that I'm done with those books, I'm reading two more books at once. One is an anthology of Robert E. Howard's Solomon Kane short stories that Mad Mario lent me. The other is Alice Cooper's autobiography, "Golf Monster". Both I'm really enjoying so far. We'll see how long it takes "ADD me" to get through these.

I've also herfed through one too many cigars this season. Which reminds me that I have to pick up a few for the 4th of July weekend next week. Sorry Iris, but get ready for the hermaster that is Zangz!.

I've also taken a break form GTA4 (perish the thought!) and finally finished Bioshock! A truly great game! Who could of thought a quasi-abandoned, post modern, undersea city could be so frackin' creepy. Any video game that can merge action, first person shooter, survival horror with a tinge of RPG is a class act in my book. And I have to thank Iris Von Beaverhousen and her ever faithful man servant, Roberto DelAmorte, for getting it for me for Xmas!!!

I've also gotten into a new band. If you like powerful punk-rap-metal-alternative with a very nasty-assed sense of dark humor, please delight yourselves to Mindless Self Indulgence. Any punk band that does a cover of RUSH's Tom Sawyer are pretty damn fun!

I could do a bunch of movie reviews, but I'm too friggin' lazy tonight after a weeks worth of mental beating from work. So check back here again when I'm not as wiped out.

Until next time, Stay Vertical!


Sunday, June 08, 2008


It's up, kids! We finally have it posted and ready to roll. It's the 18th in the series and I think that we've come a very long way since the days that I droned on and on using a phone connections as a recording device. In this Pod we preview and review the vast amount of summer genre films that are coming out this year. We also focus on a review of the latest Indiana Jones adventure. You can check it out right HERE!

I've been pretty busy the last few weeks. I've hardly had time to catch up on GTA4, fer crissakes. This weekend, my friends and I have been trying to avoid the crazy weather system that has been deluging us with boatloads of rain. But, I'd rather have rain than snow, even if the rain has caused flooding throughout local counties. We spent about 45 minutes and $50 at a local fair before the dark foreboding clouds moved over the fair. Creepy carnies be damned! We headed to a local mall where we went to a restaurant and swilled beer and ate a phenomenal meal! Though, it's another corporate chain, I highly suggest the meat loaf dish at your local Claimjumpers eatery. Holy moses it's tasty!

I'm still working my way through many of the books I've been reading. Right now I'm almost done with the Alex Cross book, "The Big Bad Wolf", and will be starting up with the next book in chronological order "London Bridges". I'll eventually get to the myriad of other books I've been stashing away for future reading.

Didja hear? Didja Hear? Awesomely sexy alterno-goth goddess, Shirley Manson, from the band Garbage, has joined the cast of the Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles TV series!!!!!! She'll play the head of a high tech computer company. Could she be the leader of SkyNet? I loves me some Shirley Manson and I loves me some Sarah Conner Chronicles (even though I'm not a Terminator fan boy). So I'll be lovin' me some Monday night TV this coming fall!!!

That's all I have for now. We'll talk later.
