.......And all through his room, he sat at his computer nursing a head cold of doom. With few presents wrapped and little holiday cheer, the one thing he could count on later was a nice cold Holiday Spice Beer.
Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda and whatever-the-hell else-you-want-to-put-in-there.
Despite another huge head cold and the immense crevasse that my credit card bill did to my bank account this month, surprisingly I'm actually in slightly more festive mood than I was last year. I'm not sure why. Christmas is designed for three different types of people, 1) People with big families, 2) People who are quite religious and 3) The Rich and Wealthy. I fit into none of them. But, still I'm not quite in the holiday funk I was last year. Actually, I think it was the Xbox 360 that my family put in for me last year that tore me from the funk.
Ah, yes. It's always good to know that material things can always bring me closer to the joy of Xmas.
There are a few Xmas parties that I am looking forward to. Good food, good friends and a good cold lager. Isn't that what Xmas is all about? Oh yes, there's always that kid in swaddling clothes story that's bandied about. (I'm going to hell.)
Anyway, I've been a little behind on reviewing some of the movies I've been renting lately. So here are a few.....
Spider-Man 3 - A lot of my friends saw this before I did and were quite disappointed. Personally I found it enjoyable, but not quite reaching the same level of the previous two. Perhaps it was the fact that there were too many characters and plots going on at the same time. Or maybe it was the out of place and just plain goofy dance and musical number right in the middle of the story. One more than welcome component was the always fun Bruce Campbell cameo. His French restaurant host was pure genius. It's a fun ride, but not quite up to par as the last ones.
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer - This other Marvel comic book based movie had a bit of the opposite effect on me. Where I found the first FF film just "ok", Silver Surfer was quite a bit better, both in action and story. Still, not something I'd go out and buy or rent again, but a fun romp, none the less.
BloodRayne and BloodRayne II: Deliverance - These movies were based on the character from the semi-popular video games that came out quite a few years ago. They featured a striking female Dhampire ( half human, half vampire) who would battle against Nazis. There are no Nazis in either movies though. The first movie takes place during the Renaissance of Western Europe and the second movie follows our heroine to the wild west of America. Both these movie were directed by notoriously slammed director Uwe Boll. He's not well regarded by the fanboy community when it comes to his films. Mostly becuase he directs straight to video movies based on video games. Most of them are darn near unwatchable. I do feel that the BloodRayne movies are a little more tolerable than some of his other endeavorers (ever see House of the Dead 2?). Unless you're the ultimate BloodRayne fan, you may want to steer clear. By the way, does anyone know how they actually got Ben Kinglsey to be in the first movie? Oscar winner, Sir Ben Kingsly?
Wing Commander - This movie is based on the popular computer games of the '90's. It's basically your "military in space" type movie. It's also a complete waste of time. Nothing happens in this movie. Nothing. We've seen this all before in other military movies. The movie doesn't even acknowledge the bad guys until the very end of the film. WTF? Not worth it. Go watch Battlestar Galactica instead!
Six String Samurai - I've been itching to see this film since the website Ain't-It-Cool-News was touting how incredibly wonderful this post apocalyptic, 1950's inspired, Kung-Fu-esque flick was. Well, after several years of searching for it, I found it through my on-line rental club. After viewing it for the first time, I have to say that I have mixed feelings about it. Perhaps my expectations were a bit on the heavy side. This is probably the cheapest movie I've ever seen. Shoestring budget is an understatement. The sets, effects and wardrobe were slapped together pretty quickly. Now, there are some upside qualities to this movie. Some of the dialog is pure fun! There are some really good lines here! Some of the fight scenes are decent, yet not shot well. The main character, a Buddy Holly wannabe, armed with both a guitar and samurai sword, traversing the post apocalyptic desert to reach Las Vegas grew on me. However, his annoying little brat of a sidekick who did nothing but shout and moan throughout the whole flick, DID NOT. If you're into quirky independent cult films, then this little diddy is probably more your speed.
The Time Machine - Now this one I enjoyed. It wasn't in the theaters too long and if memory serves it was due to the movie being released at the same time a few other blockbusters were. So, sadly, it kind of fell to the wayside. But, it certainly was a decent effort to bring H.G. Wells' Victorian time travel tale back to the big screen. Though, not as epic as it could have been, it was still and enjoyable escape from reality. And there's nothin' wrong with watching Samantha Mumba run around in a loincloth.
Pathfinder - Here' one I really enjoyed! A young Viking boy is brought up in ancient North America by an Indian tribe. As he grows to into manhood, both his Indian and Viking skills are put to the test when the returning Viking invaders destroy his village and hunt him down. It's First Blood meets Braveheart meets Dances with Wolves. I really got into this one and my pick it up for my own collection. A good manly geek movie! Long live Vinland!
Apocolypto - This movie had a very parallel plot to Pathfinder. But, instead of it revolving around Vikings and Indians, it features the story of an ancient South American tribe's village being invaded by the aggressive Aztec Empire. Of course, there is one young tribesman who escapes his captives and unleashes some serious pain on them. I know a lot of Mel Gibson haters will want me to trash the film, but I really enjoyed this one also, even though Mel pulls no punches when it comes to violence in this film. It's pretty darn bloody. The weapons of that period were rudimentary and brutal. The wounds and scars certainly reflect that. The cinematography was incredible and the wardrobe and settings were quite the sites also. Especially when they get to the Aztec city. I may pick this one up also.
That's it for films for now. Now on to another geek media love of mine.... Video Games!
I'm currently playing through he single player portion of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Where the first three COD games take place during WWII, this storyline is brought up to today's military times. You find yourself in places like the war torn middle east, war torn Russia and other war torn places around the globe. Pretty much everyplace you visit is war torn. The game play is pretty good, but it can be confusing at times as to what you're supposed to do in an immediate and stressfully situation. You don't get many hit points either. Two or three shots from the opposition and you're toast. So cover is incredibly important here! The graphics are the best I've seen to date on a next gen counsel! It is THE MOST photo realistic graphics I've experienced yet. It boggles the mind of what graphics will be like within the next 10 years. I don't know if it's a game I would by (like Mass Effect or Bio-Shock... for those of you who still haven't gotten me a Xmas present), but so far, I'm pretty impressed.
And speaking of Mass Effect, I did have a chance to play through some of it over at Roberto DelAmorte's place. This is one epic action role playing game! It plays great and looks awesome, but drags a little with all of the dialog you have to sift through to get to the meat and bones of the story. But, still, it's one I'd like to have in my own personal collection (hint.. hint... Santa).
Since I have a few days off this weekend, I'm getting reacquainted with Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy. I haven't watched them in a couple of years and remember how they were released right around Xmas. So for me they're a big part of my Xmas celebration.
HEY! That reminds me of some really great news I heard recently! The boneheads at New Line Cinema have finally come to their senses and have worked out some legal wrinkles between Jackson and themselves that had banned Jackson's involvement in the Hobbit movies. Though he won't be directing them, he will be producing them.
So I'm off to finish The Two Towers right now. Then it's off to Mom's to help decorate her place. Then it's off to Roberto and Iris' place for a small casual Xmas get together.
So, a very merry Zangzmas to all and to all, a good night!
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