Another week passed, another blog ignored by most of my constituency. Oh well, I'll blog anyway.
Last weekend was a blast. The only minor scrape (more like cut) was Saturday right before a friend of the family's wedding when I was punching another hole into my new belt (that was to small) with a very sharp pen knife. The pen knife slipped and took out a small wedge of my right thumb. It was one of those classic, Zangz's "I DID NOT JUST FRACKIN' DO THAT, DID I?" moments of my life. After much bleeding, band aiding, and medical taping, I went to the wedding with a huge bandaged thumb. I still took time out from the excitement of the wedding and pain of my thumb to have a nice sweet Gurkha stogie with my brother in law. On top of that, it was an open bar. Thumb be damned! I had a good time.
Sunday's festivities brought on pain of a whole different sort when a few close friends were pummeled by light speed water balloons. Both Iris and Roberto ended up with slight bruises during Robhain's (see last blog) water balloon war. Damn good time it was also. Even I got a smack of water filled rubber up the side of my head. Good times.... good times. The evening ended with a fire pit and a nice big assed stogie. This thing was close to a 60 ring gauge. It took an hour and a half to go through... much to the chagrin of the more anal party goers. Bruises, good conversation and a stogie. Another successful Robhain.
Than Monday I traveled back in time when men wore tights, had foppy accents and were prim and proper. No! Not the local Gay Pride Parade. It was the nearby Renaissance Faire. Good food, good ale, good company and chicks in chain mail. Gotta love it! It's great to go somewhere where everyone is kinda on the same page in an imaginative state. Though, a lot of the fantasy driven folk somewhat clashed with the more Ren-historic people. One minute your talking to someone from Queen Elizabeth's court who's explaining what the Queen's royal feast was like, the next your seeing a group of leather clad, sword carrying invaders march throughout the streets with their banner held high as they yell, "Out of our way! Make way for the hordes". There were also people with elven ears on and goth chicks playing harps and other such string instruments. The best thing about Ren Faire is that 75% of the people in costumes don't even work there! I should make it an annual trip there, rather than wait a few years at a time.
Well, the Octoberfests and fall seasonal brews are suddenly hitting the shelves with reckless abandon. Within the last few weeks I've tried a few new Octoberfests and a fun pumpkin ale. On top of all that, there's an ever so slight tease in the color of the trees. Their slowly starting to change color. Not much to notice if you're not looking for it, but it's there. The season of dead comes ever closer!!!! Watch for quite a few horror movie and haunted house reviews coming your way here in the Blog of Geekdom!
I'm outta here. Short but sweet.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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