Me and my brother-in-law went to a very old Gothic graveyard during the blood red moon and smoked a couple of Gurkha's. So, not only was I amongst a very creepy and quite peaceful atmosphere, I was also enjoying a smooth toke on a very nice cigar! All was right with the world.
Watching the blood red moon rise up over the Gothic chapel and mausoleums was a spectacularly spooky treat!
Sadly, there were no strange glowing mists, no odd shadow movements and no odd voices moaning out into the night. No undead buffoonery what so ever. Oh well. We have a couple more months before October. Maybe they're saving up!
It's gunna blow dead goat nards if the nasty law makers hit us cigar smokers with a huge increase in tobaco tax just to get at the cigarette smokers.
Speaking of good, relaxing pastimes under fire. There seems to be an evil plot brewing by beaurauecratic law makers involving a hefty beer tax. My friend Spanky goes at it in his blog here.
Why must everything fun and joyfull be crushed by self-rightous do-gooders?!?!
In other news, I promised you a review of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which I finally got to see with my sister, Dizzy Lizzie, on Monday night. If you need any preliminary info on my feelings toward the Harry Potter movement, check out my last post. Otherwise, Here we go.....
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - I'm finding that with each new movie of the Harry Potter series, we tend to fall ever so slightly into the abyss of darkness. Order of the Phoenix follows this wonderful trend. We used to see Harry arrive at Hogwarts and get filled up with tons of free cookies, candies and cakes while silly wizardry surrounded the teachings of the school for young magic users ("Look Harry, here comes Professor Dinkledork with his magic Teddy Bear that gives out special hugs." .....that didn't actually happen in any of the movies/books. I was just trying to be a wise-a$$. So settle the frack down, Harry Potter fans!). But, now we're at a point where Harry is old enough to forgo the treats and wonderful child-like surprises and be enveloped in a world of evil and loss. The scene that made the movie for me was the wizard battle at the climax. It was very reminiscent to the Jedi going to battle on Geonosis against the Trade Federation armies. It also hearkened back for me visions to Gandolf and Sauramon going at it in LOTR: TFOTR (I really don't want to write that all out). It could have lasted quite a bit longer. I also immensely enjoyed the role of Sirius Black, played masterfully by god-like thespian (and personal fave) Gary Oldman. Two small gripes. Why is it that EVERY Harry Potter book/movie always has the plot "twist" of some new teacher coming to Hogwarts who either has an evil agenda or is in cahoots with the bad guys. It's getting old, stale and since we're into the 5th movie, quite predictable. C'mon, J.K. Let's try something new (like bathing nude in a hot tub filled with money). Then there's the even smaller gripe that, according to my Harry Potter friends, quite a lot of the book is taken out of the movie. I suppose they have to make these movies far more cohesive for the short attention span of a movie audience. But, I worry that those of us who haven't read the books are missing out on some important pieces in the Potter Mythose. All in all. I did really enjoy Order of the Phoenix. And maybe one of these days I'll start collecting the movies on DVD.
Speaking of DVDs! Guess what I got today. The movie 300!!!! Now before those of you cursed with the ideology that this movie about ancient Spartans fighting off the Persian army is some sort of diabolical plot by the Bush administration to brainwash us into believing that the war in Iraq is justified. Just rent the thing and watch it for what it is... an excellent adaptation of Frank Miller's wonderful, and violent graphic novel (which was released years before the war in Iraq).
I'm not saying the war is justified, I'm just saying that sometimes we need to take off our socio-politically biased glasses and just enjoy things and forgo our chosen tunnel vision. Get yourselves out of your Rosie O'Donnel / Bill O' Reiley modes, won't you?
One more quickie thing. You want to view and read about something most disturbing? This was found by my good freind Roberto DelAmorte. Enjoy. Click HERE!
I think that's all for now. We'll talk soon.
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