Yep. There's a huge, massive amount of Mother Nature's witchery heading straight toward my Blog of Geekdom headquarters and all surrounding areas. It will pinch out and plop between 7" to 33" of snow upon us within the next 48 hours.
The actual amount is varied and depends on which overzealous, sadistically gleeful media weather dork you watch on TV. Most of them report this kind of bad news one of two ways: 1) In very serious tones as though they're reporting there's a meteor headed straight for earth, or 2) In incredibly happy and silly tones as though it's going to be a real party out there trying to shovel our cars out of the streets.
Either way, I say, "Frack them all!!!" Now some of you meteorologist fan boys out there my cry out in defense of these weather dorks with the age old saying "Don't Kill the Messenger". Let's take a look at where that ol' adage may have come from. Back in the Dark Ages there may have been a king or ruler who's country or land was at war. Messengers would come back from the battlefield and report on how said ruler's army was doing. If it was bad news, there were times where the king would act quite rash and in one quick knee-jerk reaction, sentence the messenger to his death. You have to wonder how these messengers delivered the bad news to the rulers to infuriate them so. If it was with the same shallow, sadistic happiness that our local media do, it's no wonder these guys got the gallows and/or guillotine.
"Hey, hey, hey, King Offwithhishead. It looks like your army really crumbled to pieces out there, letting all the Barbarian hordes into the countryside towns where they'll be raping and pillaging the lands by this evening. Looks like it's going to be one doosey of an evening around here. Whooo hoooo!"
Yep..... let's kill the frellin' messenger.
On to some well needed geekosity to help keep us all warm and cozy.
Trekkie's have reason to rejoice as the Trek franchise gets a well needed kick in the behind with the dawning of the reboot of the Star Trek movies that will be directed by geek god, J.J. Abrams. This is just what the doctor ordered for those films. Not only will it be a bit of a reboot to the mythos, it will be helmed by fan favorite Abrams. Though, a geek, I was never moved as much by the whole Trek franchise as many others (like my friend Spanky). But, I really do look forward to seeing this one. Read more about it here.
New Line are still being a bunch of sodding fools to blacklist Peter Jackson from any involvement the upcoming Hobbit movies. It seems the head honcho there has a silly little child-like beef with Mr. Jackson (the guy who helped promote, if not save New Line with The Lord of the Rings films). Although, I should say that New Line is attempting to make one good move on this whole mess they've created and trying to woo Evil Dead, Spider-man director, Sam Raimi onto the project. Now, I love Raimi's work on the Evil Dead and Spider-man movies like any other fan boy. But there's one big problem with him helming J.R.R. Tolkien's works.....
He's not Peter Jackson.
It's kind of like the current Van Halen reunion. Sure, we're all excited about David Lee Roth joining the brothers Van Halen again. But without Michael Anthony in the fold, it's still not quite Van Halen. I'm sure Wolfgang Van Halen will make a fine bass player, but he's not Michael Anthony. Will he be able to harmonize with Diamond Dave with a high falsetto voice that Mikey had and that helped define the Van Halen sound?
I just wish New Line and Van Halen would stop making choices based on ego and bitterness and do what's right. 'Nuff grumblin' done here... for now.
Been playing through The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion with great relish for the last several weeks. It's most definitely a great addictive game. For the last week, I've been trying to cure my character of Vampireism, which may sound real cool, but it's not so cool when you have to hide out in caves during the day time. By the time you can come out, all the shops are closed and you cant' sell anything that you've horded from dungeon delving. I did finally find a cure for it all. So things are back to normal.
I've also been playing Saint's Row, another open ended, free for all game based A LOT on the GTA series. Not as big of a world to create havoc in, but a fun title to play in between the release of GTA games.
I also took a crack at Perfect Dark Zero. A visually stunning game, but way too quick for the single player mode. It was over just as was really getting into the game play. For a FPS that's kinda sad.
All my favorite shows that plow along during the winter sweeps months are doing pretty well. Lost is still phenomenal and still keeps us guessing (an answer or tow would be nice about now, J.J.). 24 still has some balls to it. Yet, it goes back and forth with the feelings of, "We've done this plot on seasons' past, haven't we?" to "Holy Moses! I didn't see that coming!"
Since February is such a darn, awful month I'm quite looking forward to March as Type O Negative release their long, long, long awaited opus, Dead Again ( you can hear one of the new songs, These Three Things, if you go to thier official site and wait for the into page to load. Hope you have high speed!), AND the movie 300 is released, AND myself and some old tech school buddies will be getting together to share some grog and stories, AND I'll be partaking in another Star Wars RPG session, AND I will be one more month toward warmth AND.... AND... and? Jeeze, there's something else in March that really cool and I seem to be drawing a blank. I know it comes up in the beginning of the month, but I can't think of what it is. I get the feeling that's it's something really really important that if forgotten, great sadness will fill the land. Hmmmm... Maybe my good friend Roberto will help me remember.
Keep you ears and eyes open for another new episode of Zangz's Pod of Geekdom at to pop up at the beginning of the week. This cast features game master extraordinaire, Mad Mario and we discuss the wonderful world of Role Playing Games.
At this point I'm going to fix myself some grub and sit down for a cozy, intimate afternoon of Xbox 360 gaming.
Take care, and stay warm and out of Mother Nature's furry.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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