Well, here's hoping that you all had an Independence Day filled with boat loads of BBQ'd meats, lotsa beer and a plethora of explosives. And here's also hoping that the beer and explosives did not lead to anyone losing any appendages or trips to burn wards.
I still have yet to see Superman Returns. Even though a lot of the reviews are quite good, friends who've seen it are less than dazzled. I've heard the film does drag and that Superman doesn't have as much action in it as you would think. I'll have to find some time and see it for myself.
However, I will be seeing Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest this Sunday and I'll be sure to let you all know how that one came out.
I'm also growing closer to solidifying little project that's being cultivated. As I've hinted before, if this does come into fruition, I will be making a huge expansion in my already powerful media empire and one step closer to world wide domination...bwahahahah. Look at me! I'm MAD WITH POWER!!!! (screams Zangz, sitting all alone in his small, dusty one bedroom apartment wearing only his boxers while his only friend, a General Grievus action figure, looks on in despair).
Anyway, once I have something tangible and in the can, I'll make an announcement. So hold your water and be patient.
I'm so friggin' slow. I'm still plodding along with the Barb and J.C. Hende dark fantasy novel "Sister of the Dead". It's not that it's a slow moving book, it's trying to find time to read it.
I'm also still playing through X-Men: Legends on the Xbox. So far, a really fun game with one or two glitches as it were. I'll go over them here once I'm done with the game.
I also find myself, sneaking over to Roberto's house to play a little Oblivion, which is going well. I also have been going back to playing a bit of Oblivion's predecessor, Morrowind from time to time. I'm still finding quests, caves and tombs that I didn't come across the first time I played it. That's the wonderful thing about massive, open ended games. You can truly get lost in them.
Speaking of massive, open ended games, there's a game coming out in August called Saint's Row for the Xbox360. Apparently this is going to be their answer to the PS2's Grand Theft Auto series. So much so, in fact, that the play of the games are quite parrallel. You're a bad boy trying to move your way up in the gang and crime world of the virtual city of Stillwater. But unlike the GTA series, Saints Row is supposedly going to have far more customizable options when it comes to characters and cars. Plus, the graphics will be far better. We'll have to wait and see if Saints Row can steal open ended, virtual crime thunder from GTA.
Actually the '360 seems to have a couple of gems coming out that look good. Gears of War: Emergence Day, Shadow Run and Lego Star Wars II all look pretty darn fantastic. They just have start putting these games on the shelves PDQ since the Xbox360 is seriously lacking in variety of released games right now. I think I counted less than 20 titles on the store shelves the other day. After the '360's release 8 month ago, they better get crackin'
And speaking of crackin', I've got some errands to run this morning. So, until next time, I leave you with these wise words my father once told me....
"Stop touching yourself in public, damnit!"
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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