Ever notice that acrid order that fills the air on winter nights. It's a acidic, metallic smell that permeates the air when its' cold and dark. It's not a spicy, fall smell or a perfume, spring/summer smell. It's the smell of nothingness and loneliness and emptiness. God, I hate the deep winter. February has to be my least favorite month of the year. Even though it's the shortest, it's the most lonely. It's right in the very middle of the Wisconsin winter. Oh, yes. November is the start of our winter and April is the end. It's right at the point where we are ready for spring, but spring is still a few months away. God, I frellin' hate the dead of winter. I really believe that God created winter just to cheese us mortals off.
Ok, Enough beotching. Time for some geeking it up.
Actually, not a lot going on in the geek world. Both this past week's episodes of "Lost" and "24" were good, but transitional episodes that will lead up to more adventurous / plot twisting episodes. So not a lot going on there .
I did find a used copy of the Xbox's "Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords" for a song and a dance at a video game store. I really enjoyed the first one. So, I'm happy to pick up the second one and see where that goes.
Speaking of Xbox, I didn't get to finish the game I rented, "Far Cry". What I did play of it, I did end up enjoying. At first it seemed to be a bit repetitive with having to constantly infiltrate mercenary encampments, one after the other. But then it became a bit strange and odd. The repetitiveness stopped and I found myself battling different forms of mutants in an odd landscape that morphed from a tropical island to a molten-laden frell hole. I may have to re-rent in to finish it off.
I finally moved forward in the "Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay" game on the Xbox. Though, there is a bit too much of stealth gameplay for my liking, I did get far enough to enjoy the story line and want to finish off the game. I believe that I'm in the last levels of it now.
Oh, I finished off the pulpy book, "Indiana Jones and the philosopher's Stone" and am now re-reading the Raymond Benson, James Bond novel, "Zero Minus Ten". I loved it the first time and am enjoying it for a second round. The Indiana Jones novel I seem to remember enjoying quite a bit more the first time I read it. Not as much the second time, though. Though I read it nearly ten years ago, I found it a bit too over the top the second time. I'll let you know how I like "Zero Minus Ten" the second time around. So far, so good.
That's all for now. Sorry this paticular blog is so uneventful. But, not a lot of geeky stuff has occurred recently. So, I guess you're all shat out of luck.
Until next time, stay vertical!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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