....and I do mean "Tanks".
This long, cold winter is truly sucking the life out of me. Well, it's both the weather and a huge workload pit that just gets deeper and deeper every day. It's great to be busy and employed in these trying times, but my mental and physical exhaustion is on overdrive. Pile on top of that the fact that my sleep patterns are pretty topsy-turvy.
Here's how a typical workday evening works for me....
I get home anytime between 6 PM to 8 PM. I hop on the computer and check email and do a little social networking to catch up on everybody.
I then grab something to eat and watch some TV anywhere around the 8 PM to 9 PM hours.
Usually by 9:30 PM I'm out cold on the sofa. I wake up anytime between 10 PM and 11:30 PM when I hustle my butt into bed and fall asleep within minutes of my head hitting the pillow.
I then wake up from some odd, crazy dream at around the 2:30 AM to 4:30 AM hours and from then on to about 5 AM I try and fight off stressful thoughts about work and other things going on in my life. I usually get one more good half hour of sleep before my alarm goes off at 5:30 AM to get into work before 7 AM. Not fun.
And speaking of odd and crazy dreams, I had a whopper of one just the other morning. It started off with me in the backyard of my childhood home. I was looking into the backyard of our elderly next door neighbor's house and noticed that someone had left a huge army tank back there. My neighbor's house had been abandoned since her death (in my dream anyways). Time seemed to pass for months and nobody from the army or special services or the CIA had come to either claim or pick up the tank.
So after a while I decided to see if I could operate it. I hopped my fence and climbed up to the hatch and found that I didn't need to climb into it to drive it since there was a control panel that stuck out from the side of it.
Of course there was a big red button on the panel and I just had to push it to see what would happen. The thing fired a shot with the most bizarre results you could imagine.
It made a beeping sound that got faster and faster when it finally fired out a canon ball that flew high into the air for a while before it plummeted to the earth and landed with a huge thud and rumble into the next yard. In the dream I could feel the vibration in my feet when the ball hit the earth. There was no explosion, just a lot of dirt and dust after the impact.
I looked around hoping that no one noticed. After a short time I realized that nobody came out of their homes to see what the hubbub was all about. So, what would any self respecting person who cared about his neighbors and safety of others do in a situation like this? Try another shot!
I pushed the red button again. And again a canon ball shot high into the air and landed with the exact same thud and rumble as it did before.
Now I was real paranoid that the CIA or the Feds would come and get arrest my ass and question me on why I had not reported the abandoned tank months ago when I first noticed it.
As my fear in the dream grew, I woke from the slumber only to continue to stress out. But, not due to the whole canon ball firing tank dream, but from what was going to be expected of me at work that day.
Well, what can you do? At least there are some activities that can get my mind off of things during the weekends.
Within the last six months my gaming group has ventured into The Savage Worlds of Solomon Kane. This tabletop RPG is based on the writings of pulp visionary Robert E. Howard who's best known for his creation of Conan the Barbarian. But, before he created the world famous Cimmerian barbarian warrior, Howard brought us the adventures of the 16th century puritan avenger who traveled the world hunting down evil doers and mythical abominations with musket and sword in hand. There's a European movie that is just itching for an American release based on the Character. See trailer HERE!
The game has proven to be a lot of fun and is well run by my game master, Mad Mario.
I'm also plowing through Fallout: New Vegas as you may have guessed if you read my last post.
Catching up on episodes of Entourage is quite relaxing, even if the shows creators seem to have great disdain for those of us bathed in the geek culture. Check out the episodes revolving around the Aquaman movie and the San Diego Comicon from the 2nd season and you'll get an idea.
Where's the geek lovin'? Pretty much everywhere else. A lot of Hollywood is very much aware of our presence and power and are catering to our likes as best they can.
Hell, even David E. Kelley is trying to reboot and resurrect a Wonder Woman TV series. I've seen a picture and I'm hoping he doesn't give the series the Alley McCraptastic treatment and truly makes Wonder Woman a kick-ass broad, not some whinny-assed, lovelorn dingbat (errr.. nothing against Mrs. Indiana Jones).
Cross your fingers folks.
I'm done ranting for this evening. Go get yourselves a cold one for the weekend.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago