Though last night's chill off of the lake was slightly on the cold side for my short sleeve shirt attire, the blood red 3/4 moon that slowly rose above the dark Lake Michigan made the goosebumps on my shoulders well worth it.
A haunting and beautiful site it was. And it was made all the better with a nice cigar. Thankfully it wasn't a full blood red moon, since I would have had to dodge werewolves. Even so, I guess I wouldn't have to worry too about much since these days werewolves are far more concerned with their 6-pack pecks rather than chomping down a lonely geek out enjoying a nighttime cigar. Yep. That movie came out this week. Sigh. Yawn.
As I sat there enjoying the maduro I was thinking odd and strange things to myself. Here is how my strange little brain works and how my imagination goes on like a runaway train.
I was thinking on how I am a big fan of the Indiana Jones movies (yes, even the last one). I was also thinking about how I'm a big fan of the online series, The Guild. I then went on to think about how cool it would be if the two could do some sort of cross over type movie.
I sat with stoggie in mouth for a while contemplating how that could possibly be done. Then it came to me. Indiana Jones is an archaeologist who specializes in recovering mythical items of ancient history. So lets put him on a quest for something that has great power and is believed to be of ancient legend. How about The Staff of Codex.
If you're not familiar with The Guild you can brush up on it HERE. The guild is about the real world alter egos of fantasy avatars that dwell within the online gaming world of World of Warcraft. Felicia Day, creator and writer of the series, plays the lead character of Cyd Sherman, an awkward, yet sweet girl addicted to the ever so popular online computer game World of Warcraft (WoW). Her online character is a female priest warrior named Codex. WoW takes place in an ancient, mythical, fantasy setting much like Dungeons & Dragons or Conan the Barbarian.
Codex's main weapon, and presumably tool of healing, is her staff. Something of such power could possibly be a great gift of healing to the world's wounds. Or it could be a nasty weapon that could give evil men great power.
Now let's say that this fantastical ancient world actually existed hundreds of thousands of years ago. The Staff of Codex has been somewhat forgotten and only exists in mythical tale, like a silly bedtime story that is told to children to help them receive comfort before sleep.
Let's start the film with Indy in some tomb or ancient temple looking for something completely different. It's the very beginning of the movie and he's on a quest to find some ancient king's crown deep in a tomb in the bowels of a long forgotten, dilapidated castle. While in search of this item he somehow accidentally stumbles upon the crypt of one of the King's lowly scribes. He then finds one of the scribe's transcripts, a huge ornate book filled with stories that the scribe translated as they were told to him by an ancient warrior known as Vork.
While down in the crypt Indy runs into the "bad guys" who are looking for The Book of Vork for whatever nefarious, power hungry reason. A chase sequence take place where Indy grabs the ancient tome, figuring since he didn't gain the actual artifact he was looking for, at least he has something to give the museum and eludes the "bad guys".
He takes it back to whoever is now the main curator of whatever museum or university he is working for. Though, they are, at first, disappointed that Indy didn't get them their main prize, their eyes light up once they realize what the Book of Vork reveals. The directions to the tomb of the warrior priestess, Codex! Of course it won't be revealed in an obvious way. It will be some sort of code or secret treasure map revealed within the manuscript Perhaps Indy's university / museum cohort is a bit well versed in the WoW / Guild mythology and want Indy to continue on the quest for the uber-powerful Staff of Codex!
Indy will be reluctant at first, believing that the staff is something of just legend and fairy tale. But, for some alternative reason I haven't come up with yet, Indy will give in and start in on the worldwide quest. But, throughout the the film his doubt in the Codex mythology will fade and for whatever emotional or story driven reason he will have full on resolve to find the staff before the baddies do.
We'll have Indy visit at least 3 different regions of the world on his quest. Probably a lot of Europe. Still working that all out. And of course once he reaches The Tomb of Codex, he will find it a huge, ornate temple like structure with plenty of booby traps to barely evade. The tomb will be decorated with many statues of the other Guild members and the staff, itself will be in the arms of a statue of Codex which stands atop of her crypt.
Now, who should be the "bad guys"? The films have either the militaristic Nazis or Commies being the bad asses. Though, I wouldn't want Indy placed in modern times, I may still want the message to be relevant to today's issues. So lets make the bad guys members of the progressively greedy health care companies. They want to obtain the healing powers of the Staff of Codex so they can gain the cures to many diseases and put a price tag on them so that they can hold the world at ransom.
"We have the cure to cancer, but you'd better be ready to pay through the teeth for it. Bruahahahhahaha!"
The main villain would be some sort of greedy 1930's to 1950's pharmaceutical company owner and his henchmen could be some sort of mercenaries led by one stand out sadistic bastage who wold also act the the main bad guy's top lackey. Still working that out as well. It's a little too Avatar right now. I need villains who are quite more 1930's - 1950's pulp influenced.
I'm not sure I want the whole Indy adventure to end as it usually does. The bad guys getting their comeuppance once they obtain the Staff of Codex and it totally back fires on them. Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt. I'd like to see some sort of James Bond villain type of demise to dispatch the bad guys. Indy needs to grow some balls and take them out in some nasty ways. Dropping them in vats of acid. Pushing them off of cliffs for them to fall to their deaths. That sort of thing.
I know Indy is intended to be family friendly and the villains of these movies are usually dispatched due to their own want and greed. But, sometimes some good old fashioned revenge does the trick.
To be honest, my silly, little, twisted mind is still trying to work this all out. But, if the wonderful minds of Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Felicia Day or Frank Darabont (Yep, they should have listened to him in the first time when he penned the script for the 4th Indy movie), come across this post, I'm game to whatever they come up with. Restraining orders pending.
Remember, you read it on Zangz's Blog of Geekdom first. All rights reserved.
I'm hoping the cigar I was smoking was made up of cigar tobacco and not something more, shall we say, recreational.
That's all I got on that craziness. On to some other stuff.
I'm hoping to have a full plate for the 4th of July weekend. I'm off of work tomorrow and will hit Summerfest to see The Scorpions tomorrow night. Then, either on the 3rd or 4th, I'll be attending a cookout / fire pit/ firework craziness party (the actual date has yet to be determined... let's get on that, Roberto / Iris?). Then maybe another cookout will commence. Fireworks. Explosions. Beer. Cigars. All is good.
Still playing through Red Dead Redemption and I find it one of the finest games of the year so far. Yet there are some control issues I have with the game. I'll let you all know about it when I finish it in a review here.
Happy birthday, America. Let's blow some dren up!
Stay vertical, everybody!
Happy and safe 4th, kids.