A God has left us. Up and gone just like the snap of a frackin' finger.
The music world is dormant with pathetic malaise as a true artist has passed. Only those of us in the know are already feeling the black, dark void that is being left here on earth.
I really hate to have to write these kind of posts and turn Zangz's Blog of Geekdom into an obituary column. Especially when it's about an artist I really truly enjoy, have admiration for and who's music made my mundane life a little more worth living.
My soul took quite a huge hit today. I was busy as hell, running around like a frackin' banshee at work. Then suddenly my freind and co-worker, Mr. Salty, came up and asked me If I heard the news. I was in the middle of a work related conversation and had to wave him off for a sec to finish off the one of many tasks I had to perform.
When I was done I walked over to him and asked, "What?"
"Dude, a legend, an innovator of Metal has passed! You haven't heard?"
I immediately thought it was Ronnie James Dio who was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer.
"No dude, Peter Steele."
My heart kinda took a nose dive. I didn't know what the hell to think. I drew a bit of a blank and didn't really comprehend the statement.
If you're an avid reader of this blog (2.5 of you) you'll know what a huge Type O Negative fan I am and how much their music means to me. Peter Steel was the main lyricist, bass player and lead vocalist for this band. Not to slag the rest of the group, but he was pretty much the alpha male of Type O.
Myself being a bit of an old fart, they were pretty much one of the very, very few bands I would still go out and venture to see live. Their music means a lot to me. Dark, heavy, brooding, melodic, controversial and clever. I've been listening to them for 15 years straight, always looking forward to the next long awaited album.
Pete was a bit of a tragic character. He had been betrayed many times by family and lovers. And he fought addiction and depression as best he could, using his gift of music as his outlet and letting us, his fans, in on the dark joke.
His twisted sense of humor saturated his lyrics and sometimes brought controversy. Both left wing and right wing zealots called him homophobic, nihilistic, sexist and satanic. But, it was always tongue and cheek.
I've seen Type O Negative many times during the years. First time I saw them they were opening for Queensryche and were given few lights and minimum staging. They somehow blew the Queens off the stage. That was back in '95.
Ever since, I've tried to make every Milwaukee date on their tours. They always hit The Rave, a haunted music club they seemed to like to play despite many artists dislike of the venue.
I must have seen them there at least 6 or 7 times. And every time was eventful. I was never disappointed. I'm pretty floored that I will not get to see Pete and the boys there, live again.
I'm also greatly saddened that I will not get to listen to fresh, new, Peter Steele laden lyrics coming from Type O Negative ever again.
The world has gotten soooo much darker with his passing, and the generic music world has no clue of it.
Good bye Pete, thanks for the twisted dark humor and music that you gave to us fans. Whether you ever realized it or not, you gave some of us something to enjoy and make our lives a little more worth living.
Here's a pretty decent remembrance from a former record company about Pete that you may want to check out. For an even better remembrance from fellow band members click here!
P.S. I hope this wasn't too man crushy for anybody.
I'm outta here with a beer in hand and a toast in the remembrance of one, Mr. Peter Steele!
"It's better to be hated for who you are than love for who you are not" - Phlogistin Verdigras.