Hello Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea!
Welcome to another blog that is butt-loaded with completely useless, geek filled, Sci-Fi lovin', Fantasy driven, information. We get to start off this blog with how I celebrated my 40th birthday recently. And, NO, it did not involve me, by myself, at this computer, on-line porn, weeping, having a tea party with action figures, blow up dolls I've named Christina or any lotions of any sort.
In my last blog I mentioned how friends and family were treating me to a high end steak dinner at a well established steak eatery. Dinning with me was my sister (Dizzy Lizzie), my brother-in-law, my mom, my friends Iris Von Beaverhousen and Roberto DelAmorte. And I have to tell you, after a couple of Bloody Mary's and a few Heineken's, I had the best medium rare Fillet Minionge (I don't know how to spell this thing. And spell check is being to stupid to figure it out for me) that I have ever consumed in my entire lifetime! It was a very nice, relaxing, formal dinner in a very classy, tasteful and relaxing atmosphere.
However, that wasn't the end of the evening by any means. As they were paying the bill, the waitress came up to me and placed a secret agent dossier in front of me and said "I'm supposed to give this to you".
I knew immediately that something was afoot, as my Mom, sister and Iris made a B-Line out of the restaurant, and I was left with the dossier, my bro-in-law and Roberto. I opened the dossier and there were instructions for me to go with the two agents (Roberto and my Bro-in-law). But first I had to solve a puzzle they had for me. It was explained in the dossier that neither Roberto or my Bro-in-law (who shall be hence forth called B.I.L.) would be able to communicate since they were "silent agents who didn't speak English", thus couldn't give me clues to the puzzle. The three of us went to the SUV and whilst in the back seat I went over the puzzle as well as a box of clues and instruments that were provided for me by "M" to find out where I needed to go.
After stumbling around in the back seat of the car to figure out the address to have Roberto and B.I.L. take me (remember, I had 2 Bloody Mary's and a couple of Heineken's in me), I barely figured out the address and gave it to Roberto, my chauffeur, and we sped through downtown Milwaukee to a bridal suite of a high class club. Once there, I found the suite we needed to be at, knocked on the door and was greeted by the unmistakable voice of my friend, Spanky, asking me for "the password".
Evidently, Spanky was going off script, 'cause there was never any password given to me (his improvisational skills suck ass, but he means well), I just spoke out the first thing to come to mind ("I'm looking for a safe house"), at which time he opened the door and I was lead into the suite with Spanky holding a toy gun on me.
He went through this shtick that I was supposed to get on this metal table (there was none) with a laser pointing at me (there was none) and recite a famous James Bond line of, "So Goldfinger, do you expect me to talk?" at which point he replied, "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"(his improvisational skills suck ass, but he means well). After this point my family and more of my friends walked out of the bedroom of the suite and yelled "Surprise!!!"
I honestly was quite flabbergasted! I had all different groups of friendships represented there. It was cool to see worlds collide!!! There was even a private stock of beer for me to consume throughout the evening. I did my share of imbibing.
I got surprise calls from other friends of mine in the hotel room throughout the night, as well as more puzzles for me to solve. Since I was feeling no pain at this point, I couldn't solve a puzzle in Highlights magazine at this point. So "M" (Iris) was lenient on me. I still got my prizes/presents.
Also featured that evening was a huge cake that had scenes from various Bond movies decorated on it (special thanks to Spanky). Also, there were various James Bond posters about the suite that had my face superimposed on the Bond images. There was also a huge banner with my festering face on it hanging over the room's TV.
Mad Mario and his lovely wife, Hope even showed up as well as a few other special guests. The whole evening was something incredibly special and just darn spectacular! At the end of the evening, Roberto, Iris, Mad Mario and Hope were the last to close down the suite @ 2:30am.
Apparently, Iris Von Beaverhousen, was the main conspirator with Roberto and Spanky and Dizzy Lizzie in the frey of it all!
It was a incredible evening that I won't soon forget! A major shout out has to go to Iris and her planning and plotting with many different people to get this thing off the ground.
The fact that people actually put this much time into planning, financing and executing this whole shinding for me, really blows my mind!!!!!!
Thanks to all who attended and took part!!! I am forever grateful!!
So, they officially announced the name of the next James Bond opus, "Quantum of Solace" (read announcement here). It doesn't have quite the same ring to it as past Bond movies, but it is the name of a Ian Flemming short story, so I guess it has a bit of flair to it. Supposedly it is to take place, literary one hour after the end of Casino Royale. It will also have lots more action that Casino did with more answers to who this secret organization is that Bond is after. I can't wait until November '08!!!!
I'm getting going now as I have to shuffle my ass into work tomorrow (Saturday) to get a special project out tomorrow.
Until the next exciting installment, Happy Birthday to Me!!
P.S. Rest in peace, Heath Ledger, star of TV series, Roar... which everyone has forgotten, but should not.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago