COMPUTERS SUCK DEAD GOATS' UNMENTIONABLE BODILY APPENDAGES.... that I can't mention here on blogger, but you can probably figgure out for yourselves.
I am blogging to you from Roberto DelAmorte's computer today, since mine is dying a slow painful death. After a very long day at work last week, I decided to come home and relax by doing some surfing on the web. As my 5 1/2 year old computer was booting up, it flashed me the dreaded, "Blue Screen of Desolate Despair". I rebooted and got the same thing. Rebooted again... same thing. Upon my third reboot I got a DOS screen that gave me the option of booting up in the Fisher Price blocky looking, "Safe Mode". I did so and it booted. I then did a restart and got the blue screen two times while it booted up, but it did boot up. I then got a memory stick and put all of my essentials on that puppy. Sadly I couldn't fit everything, but I got enough that I needed.
The next day it booted up right off the bat. But when I tried to open more than one progam, I would get a blank black screen. I'd hit the Cntrl-alt-delete combo and it would reboot the computer just fine. But, again, working with more than one program was too much for the sad little Gateway fella, and I'd get the blank black screen again and again.
I've given up and have decided to start looking on the Dell website for a new one. It's always fun to rip a huge wad of cash out of your bank account right before the holidays. There is no god. And if there is, he hates me.
So if Zangz's Blog of Geekdom is dormant for a bit, you know why. Hopefully I'll be all set up within a couple weeks and can lay my old Gateway to rest and welcome in a new, superior system (Vista-less!!!!!) that I'm sure will find new ways to not do what I need it to.
Iknow, I know. First the writer's stike puts a halt to al the great TV shows that are on (Bionic Woman, Lost, 24) and now in the hour of our genre needs, Zangz's Blog of Geekdom goes down.
Be patient. I hope to be back up and running before Christmas, if not much sooner!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago