Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Odd Day...

This has been a very odd day.

It started sunny with a slight fog coming inland from the lake that gave the drive into work a beautiful ominous. Then once I got into work, I learned that someone within the company had passed away over the weekend. I wasn't in this person's department, but I'd see him around. He was a bit of an introvert and very much kept to himself, rarely making a sound. Now he's gone and very few people really knew much about him.

Now I'm a pretty shy guy. I feel horrible when I first meet a new group of people. But as I get older, I realize that you gotta get out there and get to know people. There are quite a few groups of friends I'm very glad and proud to know! And I wouldn't have that joy in my life if I continued to be the introvert I was back in my grade school and high school years.

It's another example of life being way too short.

This blog is sounding like an obituary column as of late. On to the geek stuff!

This weekend was just awesome outside! My gaming group made the best of it as we played SpyCraft outside with a good amount of beers and burgers to boot. The game itself was a quick, yet fun introductory game that had an NPC character that was described as looking like Jessica Alba! What wasn't there to love about a game like that? Fun as heck, I tell you! Props to our game master, Mad Mario!

I've been getting a chance to catch up on some movies I've missed out on within the last year or so. Are you itching to know how I felt about them? You Aren't? Too bad, suckers! It's my Blog of Geekdom. Deal with it! Here we go....

  • The Fantastic 4 - Speaking of Jessica Alba, this was my first introduction to her as Sue Storm (aka: The Invisible Girl), 1/4th of the superhero team of the movie's title. Many a comic book geek awaited this film with baited breath, but when it came out, many were disappointed with the result. This is why when I saw it a week ago, I decided to have absolutely no expectations for it. This strategy worked in my favor since instead of seeing what should have been another, balls-out, rockin' action flick based on a Marvel comic book (much like the Blade and Spider-man movies), I saw a cute, fun, quick action movie. Nothing out of the park, yet enjoyable enough to kill a couple of hours with. Though the effects and set pieces were pretty good, the plot and story could have easily have been a made for TV movie. They've just released the sequel in theaters a week or so back and fan-boys are getting into it fair better than its predecessor. I think I'll wait for rental.
  • Ghost Rider - Another Marvel comic to feature film action thriller staring Nicolas Cage (a closeted comic geek himself) playing the role of Johnny Blaze, a stunt motorcycle rider who has sold his soul to the devil and thus obtained unholy and otherworldly powers. Unholy and otherworldly meaning his head turns to a flaming skull, he can shoot fire balls from his hands and he can whip a flaming chain around. Now, I remember reading the comic book from the 1970's and I loved it, however the movie follows a more recent, updated version of the comic book which I didn't really get into. Though Nicolas Cage was his fun, quirky self, the special effects were good and Eva Mendez was the love interest, I ended up feeling the same way about this film that I did for F4. There was also some truly cheesy and corny scenes that had me cringing a bit. A cute, fun afternoon viewing, but nothing more. A good rental if you're a fan-boy.
  • Children of Men - This grim, post apocalyptic thriller left me both numb and thinking. This is not a fun filled sci-fi romp that is "the Blade Runner of the century" as the ads for it touted. This is a dark, foreboding warning to the human race about what could bring civilization to it's knees. Both right wing and left wing extremism is studied here as the women of the world have all become infertile for the last 17 years. A fascist police state rules England while leftist terrorists tear apart what little is left of the country. The end of humanity is in sight until one unsuspecting man finds himself in the middle of the whole mess as he winds up escorting the first pregnant woman in 17 years to safety. Visually this movie is dark, but the view of future technology is quite believable. I enjoyed this movie a lot, but I doubt I'd own it in my collection. Too grim to view in more than one viewing, but it certainly should be viewed!!!!
  • Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny - Any huge fan of comedic, acoustic, operatic Heavy Metal duo Kyle Gas and Jack Black were anticipating the release of this movie for a long time. This movie had loads of buzz about it within the geek community prior to its release. When it finally hit the big screens fans felt it didn't deliver anywhere as much as it should have, and after viewing it this weekend, I have to agree. There are a bunch of times that I found myself laughing out load throughout the movie, but not anywhere as much as I have in the past times I've seen them perform on television and video. There was something missing here and I can't put my figure on it. Maybe it's the lack on comedic spontaneity that they have in their live act. One disappointment was the fact that prior to the film coming out I heard that Ronnie James Dio had a role playing himself in the movie. I was stoked! But, he's only in the film for about 4.5 seconds sadly. Anyway, like most of the movies here, it was enjoyable, but not something I would have enjoyed as much had I plunked down the cash to see it in the theater or buy the DVD.

I'm also getting caught up on HBO's Deadwood. I just finished season 2 of this 3 season series. I'm hoping that sometime soon, after I view season 3, series creator, David Milch, gets his act together, and give us Deadwood fans the 2 two hour movies that are to tie up the series. This is one awesome show with a stand out ensemble cast and incredibly original writing that explores the many different aspects (both good and bad) of human nature... that and there's boobies.

I'll be quite busy in the weeks ahead. I'll try and stop on in here once during the 4th of July/Summerfest season. If I don't, have a good time with cook outs, beer, cigars and good friends! I know I will be!

See ya.


Friday, June 15, 2007

An evening of cigars, music reviews, movie reviews, notes on death and general bitterness against rich, French men....

The end of a work week comes a few hours earlier for me as I took off the afternoon. It's such a beautiful summer day that I just had to take advantage of the weather and head home for some beer and a cigar.

If you haven't yet, check out the latest Zangz's Pod of Geekdom as it's part 2 of our celebration of Star Wars reaching 30 years old.

I know you're wondering what I'm rocking out to lately. Well right now I have the latest Buckcherry album, "15" on the ol' media player. There's a song called "Everything" that's pretty frellin' good. Then there's the latest Sevendust album, "Alpha" that a co-worker lent me. It blew me across the room. It's sad that these guys don't get the recognition they deserve. I'm also looking into more Dream Theater music. These guys are just too frackin' talented and you're too frackin' lame if you haven't checked them out yet!!!!

The world needs more female bass players. Just thought I'd throw that one out there.

In geekier subjects, I did get a chance to see both The Illusionist and The Prestige. I enjoyed both of these movies that were both about Victorian era magicians. I have to say that I enjoyed The Illusionist a tad better. Even though I figured out the "plot twist" of the ending early on, I really enjoyed the actors' performances. The Prestige was quite good, but it was bit confusing. And I wasn't impressed with the whole reveal of the ending. I felt it was a bit of stretch that really didn't do the rest of the movie justice. But it was still good. Especially David Bowie as Nikola Tesla!

This week I'm going to check out the first Fantastic 4 movie and Children of Men. I'll let you know how they are... if you actually give a dren.

Hey. James "Scotty" Doohan's ashes were indeed shot into space. However, the rocket went off trajectory and ended up crash landing in some jungle that hasn't even been explored that much yet since it is incredibly hard to get to. So instead of his remains being laid to rest out into the galaxy, they're in some jungle were I can guess that there are species of bugs and plants hat have yet to be discovered. The remainder of his ashes were scattered over Puget Sound in Washington. Ain't life odd?

More death talk:

I'm no longer a huge Real World fan since it's deteriorated into a, shallow, booze ridden, whore-fest, but I did watch quite a bit of Real World: San Diego. That's why this announcement made me kind of bummed out in a weird way. Maybe because the passing took place near where my mom lives or just because I have a soft spot for rocker-punk-goth chicks. Anyway, it's one more reason to realize the good die young and greedy, French bajillionaires of the world get Salma Hayek . WTF?!?!?! There is no justice, is there? (Sheesh, I'm in a bitter mode here. Better start smokin' some cigars darn soon!!!)

And on that note, time to enjoy some puffs. See ya!

Zangzque. (I believe that's French for Zangz, Miss Hayek. Though I'm no bajillionaire, I have an awful lot of lovin' to give.)

Monday, June 11, 2007

SW30: Part DUECE!!!

Part two of the well received podcast we put together celebrating the 30th anniversary of the greatest movie known to both man and woman-kind can be downloaded and listened to right here!!!

Please feel free to leave us feedback, either here or at iTunes! We've only heard that people have thoroughly enjoyed Pt. 1 through word of mouth. Please, if you liked it, by all means stroke my ego! God frackin' knows it needs strokin'! .... among other things of mine (yes, that was a sad pathetic joke.)

In quickie other news, I went to go see this band, Heavy Nova, the other night at their CD release party that ushered in their new album, "Miles of Cock". Now before you flag this post, cock refers to roosters, as there are a bunch of them marching along a road on the CD cover. When it comes to harder edged rock getting the publicity it deserves, it usually gets lost in the shuffle nowadays. So please check out the band's website as the guitarist, Brian, is an awfully nice and talented fellow. (I have no idea who that babe is on their website, but sadly, she wasn't at there show the other night).

That's all for now. Check back with you at the end of the week.


Friday, June 08, 2007

And now for another uninspirational entry into the world of a geek.....

June is upon us already, fercrissakes! Just a short time ago I was bemoaning the snow and cold. I better lap this wonderful weather up while I can, 'cause in a very short time, we'll be back into the frozen tundra that is the upper Midwest.

Anyway, time to move on to more dorky subjects....

Well, Sean Connery finally made it official. He will not be popping out of his film retirement to reprise his role as Indiana Jones' father in Indy IV. You can read the story here. At least he seems to be good natured and good humored about turning down the role as he's quoted as saying....

"I love working with Steven and George, and it goes without saying that it is an honor to have Harrison as my son," he said. "But in the end, retirement is just too damned much fun."

"I do, however, have one bit of advice for Junior: Demand that the critters be digital, the cliffs be low, and for goodness sake keep that whip by your side at all times in case you need to escape from the stunt coordinator! This is a remarkable cast, and I can only say, 'Break a leg, everyone.'"

Class act, that Connery is. Sadly, it looks as though he's left films for good. This guy was one of my all time favorite actors. Certainly at the top of my list. You don't see a lot of today's actors quite as ballsy as Mr. Connery, that's for sure. Many of them are busy getting pedicures, manicures and collagen treatments. Connery has chunks of guys like that in his stool! Connery is THE MAN!

So I've joined this online DVD rental shindig, thingy. We'll see how this all goes. I got my first batch this week. The Prestige, The Illusionist (duelling Victorian magician movies!) and disc three of season 2 of Deadwood. Perhaps I may have some reviews on these here sometime soon.

Last weekend I had a chance to go to a historic reenactment of different wars. Though the event focused mainly on the Civil War, I had some friends there reenacting the English Civil War (mid 1600's). If you've listened to my podcasts you may know some of them. There was Mad Mario, his wife Hope and Bruce. They were all strutting around in wool and armour in 70 degree weather. Props to them! They also had huge 12 feet high pikes to deal with. I went with my mom and bro-in-law and they were both impressed with my historically gifted friends. Bruce especially loves to teach people about history. He explained in detail how the pikemen would take on opposing armies' calvary by placing themselves in a crouch position with the pike at an angle that would impale a charging horse and its rider. Isn't history cool!!!!

So on the suggestion of a co-worker I picked up the new Dream Theater album, Systematic Chaos, and I love it. These guys are usually lumped into the category of Prog-Metal. They're all Berklee School of Music grads and can put a hellova lot of successful recording artists to shame when it comes to musicianship and talent. Usually I'm not a huge fan of long, drawn out 15 minute songs, but their Ministry of Lost Souls is a heart wrenching, powerful epic tale that I'm a bit addicted to. If you're into hard rock for purely the music, check these guys out!!!!

So, everybody is anticipating the new Transformers movie based on the cartoon and toy line. Me? I'm more of a G.I. Joe kind of guy. I may wait until rental for this one.

The next Bond movie (Bond 22) will be filming at its traditional home of Pinewood Studios. Story here.

My group who is involved in my stagnant Call of Cthulhu game are now all harping me for a new one. We'll see, we'll see.

I'm jonesing for a cigar, so I'm wrap this up here.

Until next time, make sure you do something incredibly geeky to cheese off the socially elite!
