As I sit here writting this, I'm jamming to a little Monster Magnet on the ol' computer. I'm finally starting to get into the whole MP3 thing. I'm not talking about illeagal downloading. I don't need Lars Ulrich's lawyers chasing me down. I'm talking about just taking songs from my CD's and putting them onto my computer and being able to listen to a mix of whatever I want, when I want, how I want. And right now I'm listening to the band Monster Magnet (think Guns 'N' Roses meets Danzig with a dash of Zodiac Mindwarp). I have the songs from their last three albums in one big mix. So I'm jamming out to it right now.
Well, this being the second Blog of Zang's Blog of Geekdom I might as well geek out a bit here about something. In just a day and a half George Lucas starts one of his last bids for worldwide domination in the marketing world when all of the "Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" (which shall hence be reffered to as ROTS here at my Blog of Geekdom [which shall hence be called ZBOG]) toys, books and other nick-nacks hit store shelves for us Star Wars fans to dork out over.
Of course the evil Dealers (those that buy up all the hard to find stuff and sell it for 5 times the original value) will ruin a lot of the excitement for most of us who just collect. All I really want this time is figures of General Grevious, a couple of his body guards and one or two other villains form the upcoming movie. Is that too much to ask? THE SOUL OF MY FIRST BORN FOR A FRELLIN' GENERAL GREVIOUS FIGURE!!!!
Well, I'll keep you all posted on my luck with that since I probably have you all on the edge of your seats now.
Don't know if I'm going to be doing this blog thing daily or when I can or if I feel like it. Just check back every so often.
See ya!
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago