Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

True Ghost Stories....

One thing that I love about the Halloween season is the true ghost stories that tend to pop up in the media at this time of year. Whether it's a haunt special on one of the cable channels (A&E, Discovery, TLC, Travel) or it's a local news story about a local resuraunt or building that has had some paranormal events take place, or just a group of friends telling stories around a bon fire to keep the fall chill away, a good spook story is always a important part to getting in the mood for a decent Halloween season!

Now you may be asking yourself, "Zangz, do you have any stories of the unknown and mysterious that have happened to you personally?"

I wish I did. But as interested in the paranormal as I am, I have never had anything worth noting happen to me personally. But I do have a coupleof stories that have been told to me by close freinds and family members....

I used to go to high school with this kid who always ended up in my gym classes throughout my high school years. His name was Chris, and according to him, his uncle owned an old lighthouse somewhere on the East Coast. There was a upstairs bedroom that was used as a guest room where there is a rocking chair just oposit the bed. People who have used that room have had one of either tow experiences. Some go to sleep and wake to hear the creaking of the rocking chair. When they look at it, it is rocking by itself as though someone is in the chair. The other experience is far more terrorfying. Some people have woken to actuall see the aparition of a spooky old hag rocking in the chair, staring at them intently. Suposedly this haunted light house story ended up on an old episode of the "Real People" tv show.

A friend of my mom's who lived in a large house in a nice suburb would get mysterious phone calls when she was home alone. The phone would ring, she'd answer it, and most of the time nobody would respond. At times she'd thought she'd hear someone mumble something on the other end and then dead silence. She'd hang up the phone, annoyed. The really creepy thing was that everytime this happened she'd find that one of the other phones in the house was always off the hook even though she was the only one at home at the time. After quite a few phone calls from the netherworld, she decided to get her house blessed by a preist. He came over, said some prayers, sprinkled holy water on the phones and ever since there were no more disturbences. Her family moved out long ago. Who knows who's there recieving calls from beyond now?

About 16 years ago a freind of mine suddenly and unexpectedly lost her mom to a stroke. She had a hard time dealing with it and had difficult time getting to sleep at night. One night, after tossing and turning, she got out of bed and decided to go down to the kitchen a have a glass of milk. When she got down there she found her mom sitting at the kitchen table waiting for her. Her mother told her that she was in a far better place and that everyting was going to be alright. The mother then faded away. Was this a dream, a psychological way to deal with the loss of a loved one or a spectral visit from beyond? Your guess is a good as mine. But I know what is far more fun to believe!

Well, that's the spook show for today. On to other stuff....


"Lost" is on tonight and though last weeks episode was a bit of a breather from the usual high end craziness that it presents, this week we get to take a look at these, "the others" and see what their story is. Can't wait.

Since I have Friday off, I think I may take in a showing of Tim Burton's "Corpse Bride". Wasn't a huge fan of "Nightmare Before Christmas" since they mixed Halloween and Xmas together. But, "Bride" looks to be all spooksville.

Oh, hey! I almost forgot! The band Fear Factory came out with a new CD recently. It's called "Transgression". It's a damn fine peice of work, espicially if you like speed metal with actual melody and a good dose of techno mixed in.

Ok, My "Ghost Hunters" show starts in 10 minutes, so I gotta motor. More Halloween fun coming your way.


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